Home » FPD in NRW: Away with the time change – bring on the late summer holidays

FPD in NRW: Away with the time change – bring on the late summer holidays

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FPD in NRW: Away with the time change – bring on the late summer holidays

“Time is money,” this saying from Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of the USA, has determined the consciousness of many people in the pre-digital working world. Values ​​have now changed, especially when it comes to the value of leisure time. For many employees, having as many creative options as possible has become more important than earning money.

The FDP has now summarized its requirements for a “new time policy” in a position paper. “We are committed to a life in which everyone sets their own clock,” said Susanne Schneider, health expert for the state parliamentary group, to the “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger”. “We want more freedom to organize our personal lives, both professionally and privately,” added the liberal.

Reach your destination faster by car

The position paper states that the modern state determines in many facets how much additional free time individuals have at their disposal. “Technical and social progress now enables us to rethink many political regulations. It is time to take advantage of these opportunities and stand up for more self-determination. This way we can use the time for the things that are really important to people,” says Schneider.

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For example, the state can use simple or complicated administrative regulations to ensure that citizens spend a lot or little time in office. It also determines when educational institutions would open and when they would close. If the infrastructure is solidly developed, commuters can reach their destination quickly.

On this point, the liberals are critical of the zeitgeist and are calling for a car-friendly policy. “Traffic jams are an annoying time waster for all of us. Instead of quickly renovating our roads and bridges, the state government made up of the CDU and the Greens is shamelessly leaving 60 million euros on the table for road construction in Berlin,” says the FDP paper. That has to change: “We need a government again that is also committed to cars. We are not convinced by the state of public transport with its many delays. People have to get to their destination on time and comfortably at fair prices.”

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Later summer holidays for NRW

The liberals are also annoyed by the summer holidays in North Rhine-Westphalia, which are often far too early. When it comes to school holidays, the federal states actually coordinate with each other. Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, on the other hand, did not take part and always secured the late times. “This means they can also send their children on the Pentecost holidays. That’s unfair. Our children should also be able to go on vacation at Pentecost or in midsummer,” says the FDP paper. If Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg are not prepared to compromise, “NRW will have to regulate its holidays without them in the future”.

Further demands: In a new care model, “flexi daycare centers” should give parents more freedom when working shifts or working at night. Families should also be able to make provisions on weekends. In the future, municipalities should designate one Sunday for shopping every month. This would also help stationary retail.

The time change, which is coming up on Easter weekend in 2024, is also an issue for the FDP. It is said that most people are “annoyed” by the time change. It also causes health problems for many. Heart attacks and sleep disorders are increasing in connection with the time change. The time change also means stress for agriculture. “The positive expectations of the time changes never materialized,” it is said. The Liberals have not yet discussed whether summer or winter time should become the rule. “Personally, I would prefer permanent summer time,” explained Susanne Schneider.

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When it comes to the time change, the Liberals also have NRW Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) at their side. As an EU politician, he fought against the “pointer twist” for 18 years.

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