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Futa motorcycle accident, where did it happen

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Futa motorcycle accident, where did it happen

Florence, July 22, 2023 – A terrible accident that took away Two lives. It happens on the Futa pass, at the height of Firenzuola on a Saturday July 22nd that was supposed to be festive and relaxing in the Apennines.

Colliding head-on, in Traversa, coming from two opposite directions, two motorcyclists with their respective road vehicles. It is not known what caused the clash.

There was nothing they could do for the two people, despite the help of 118 with the sending of a Pegasus helicopter, which later returned. The victims are from Empoli and of Carmignano in the province of Prato. They were passionate about motorcycles and, like many others, they traveled the roads of the Apennines at the weekend.

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