Home » George W. Bush criticizes US withdrawal from Afghanistan: “Damage to women”

George W. Bush criticizes US withdrawal from Afghanistan: “Damage to women”

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BERLIN – The former US president, George W.Bush, criticized the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. “Women and girls will suffer indescribable damage. It is a mistake,” Bush said in an interview with German wave.

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Bush Junior was the president who decided to send US troops to Afghanistan in the fall of 2001, after the 9/11 attacks.

Bush met with the German newspaper reporter at his home in Kennebunkport, Maine. Reluctant to give interviews, the former president made an exception to contribute to the documentary in preparation for German wave on the chancellor Angela Merkel, close to retirement. “A rock of stability,” he said of the leader, praising her compassion, political ability and the embodiment of the “American dream”.

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