Home » Global epidemic situation[December 21]: The first death of Omi Keron variant strain in the United States Provided by the Associated Press

Global epidemic situation[December 21]: The first death of Omi Keron variant strain in the United States Provided by the Associated Press

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Global epidemic situation[December 21]: The first death of Omi Keron variant strain in the United States

The Financial Associated Press (Shanghai, editor Xia Junxiong), according to statistics released by Johns Hopkins University in the United States, as of 23:59 on December 21, Beijing time, the number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia worldwide rose to 275,648,933, including deaths. The number of cases reached 5,364,584.

(Global Epidemic Overview, Source: Johns Hopkins University) As of press time, the United States has so far reported a total of 51,118,897 confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia and 808,051 deaths.

With the further spread of the Omi Keron strain globally, the epidemic situation in Europe is severe, with a total of 11,518,403 confirmed cases in the United Kingdom, 8,745,272 cases in France, 5,405,360 cases in Italy, and 6,848,308 cases in Germany.

The following is the daily trend of newly confirmed cases in relevant countries:

(Source: Finance Association, Wind) Epidemic situation

[Xi’an, Shaanxi will start a new round of nucleic acid testing for all employees today]

The Xi’an Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters Office issued a notice that since December 9, there have been many cases of new coronary pneumonia in Xi’an. In order to quickly and accurately discover the potential source of infection and completely block the epidemic, the Municipal Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters decided to start a new round of nucleic acid testing for all employees on the basis of the large-scale nucleic acid testing carried out in the city in the early stage. Work.

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[The whole area of ​​Harbin City is adjusted to a low-risk area]

According to the relevant regulations of the State Council’s joint prevention and control mechanism, and after comprehensive evaluation and judgment by the expert advisory group, the Harbin City Headquarters decided that starting from 3:30 on December 22, 2021, Daoli District Min’an Community (buildings 6 and 7 will be enclosed) Region) adjusted to a low-risk region. After the adjustment, Harbin is a low-risk area.

[“Made in Shanghai” new crown vaccine approved for marketing]

The first batch of new crown vaccine “Zhong Ai Kewei” produced by Shanghai Institute of Biological Products of Sinopharm Group was officially approved for marketing today. The newly-built sub-packaging workshop is used to produce the new crown vaccine. There are two vial sub-packing lines and four vial packaging lines, which can fill 500 doses of vaccine per minute, and the annual production capacity is expected to be 200 million doses.

[The first death of Omi Keron mutant strain in the United States]

On Monday (December 20) local time, the health officials of the State of Texas announced that the first death case related to the new variant of Omi Keron was recorded locally. This has also become the first known death from Omi in the United States. Cases of the Croon strain. At present, Harris County health officials in Texas only revealed that the deceased was “a man in his 50s” with a history of underlying diseases and had not been vaccinated.

[To prevent the spread of Omi Keron strain, Thailand re-implements quarantine measures on tourists]

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Thailand re-implemented mandatory and mandatory quarantine measures for foreign tourists on December 21, local time, and cancelled the country’s “Test and Go” travel plan to curb the spread of the Omi Keron strain of the new crown mutant virus.

[Brazil shortens the interval between new crown vaccine booster shots]

The Brazilian Ministry of Health issued a statement on December 20, local time, stating that from that day, the interval between the second and third doses of the new crown vaccine (booster) for local residents will be shortened to 4 months. The previous interval was 5. Months. The statement stated that vaccination is effectively promoting the improvement of public health conditions and significantly reducing the infection rate and mortality rate of the new coronavirus. In addition, the government will also provide a second booster shot for people with low immune function after completing the first booster shot of the new crown vaccine. The interval is also 4 months.

[Affected by the new crown epidemic, Finland tightens entry policy for British tourists]

Starting on December 21, local time, Finland requires all travelers from the UK to undergo a new coronavirus nucleic acid test or rapid antigen test within 48 hours before entry, regardless of whether they have been vaccinated against the new coronavirus before. The Finnish government stipulates that travelers who have not been vaccinated are still allowed to enter the country, but the premise is that the entrant must provide the necessary reasons. It is reported that Finland is another country that has tightened its immigration policy towards the UK after Germany, France, Ireland and other European Union countries.

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Market performance

The three major U.S. stock indexes in trading all rose. As of press time, the S&P 500 index rose 0.80%, the Nasdaq index rose 0.95%, and the Dow Jones index rose 1.15%. Major European stock indexes collectively moved higher.

(Source: Yingwei Finance)

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