Home » Guaranteed Minimum Income payment began for May: how do you know if you are a beneficiary?

Guaranteed Minimum Income payment began for May: how do you know if you are a beneficiary?

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Guaranteed Minimum Income payment began for May: how do you know if you are a beneficiary?

The Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) transfers have benefited more than 427,000 households in poverty and extreme poverty.

Photo: Secretariat of Social Integration

The transfers of the Guaranteed Minimum Income (IMG) began for the month of May. This was reported by the Secretariat of Social Integration, detailing that this benefit will reach more than 300,000 households in poverty and extreme poverty, with an investment of 59,000 million pesos.

“We will do it through the financial entities with which we have been making our monetary transfers: DaviPlata, Nequi, Bancolombia a la Mano, MOVii and Dale,” reported the director of Social Integration Transfers, Mauricio Sandino.

According to District figures, its objective is to cover 4% more families (16,000 homes) compared to the previous year, reaching 16 thousand more homes than in 2023, with resources from Bogotá ($484,000 million annually), the Development Funds Local ($122,000 million annually) and complemented by the investment made by the Nation.

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Within the projections for this year, the district authority also hopes to lift more than 216,000 people out of extreme poverty, that is, about 2.7 points more compared to 2.2% (1,760,000) in 2023, compared to data from the Planning Secretariat.

How can I check if I am a beneficiary of the Guaranteed Minimum Income?

To receive the Guaranteed Minimum Income you must be registered in the Sisbén Portal of Bogotá and be classified in groups A or B. Likewise, not receive support from transfer programs from the National Government, such as Jóvenes en Acción, Colombia Mayor or Tránsito a Citizen Income. Finally, have an active account at: Daviplata, Nequi, Bancolombia a la Mano, Movii, Powwi or Dale.

To check if your household is a beneficiary, Enter the Social Integration website and record in the boxes your type, number and date of issue of your identity document.

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“There you can find information on the payments your household has received, the cycle to which they correspond, the financial entity through which they were made and the member of the household who received them,” the District explained.

If you require more information about payments or file requests in this regard, the Mayor’s Office has the portal available.Bogotá listens to you‘or recommend going to one of the 16 local subdirectorates of the District Secretariat of Social Integration.

It should be remembered that this subsidy is delivered to one member per family who is banked, they are not retroactive and the District transfers it monthly.

ABC of Guaranteed Minimum Income

With the arrival of the pandemic, the Mayor’s Office of Bogotá created the Guaranteed Minimum Income strategy that seeks to deliver a monthly monetary subsidy to poor and vulnerable households, which contributes to increasing family income and reducing poverty in the capital.

With an investment of more than 51 billion pesos, more than 280 thousand households have benefited, thus adding more than 562 billion pesos invested throughout 2023, according to district figures.

With this subsidy, data from the district administration show that Bogotá has achieved a reduction in poverty by 1.9 percentage points, and a reduction in extreme poverty by 2.3 percentage points.

And the poor population of Bogotá represents a quarter of the country’s poor population, with women living in poverty and vulnerability being the priority for the IMG program, since 78% of the recipients of the monetary transfers have been for they.

It should be noted that the Guaranteed Minimum Income strategy consolidates monetary transfer payments from 15 programs corresponding to 6 district entities that seek to serve the poorest and most vulnerable households in the city.

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For more news from the capital and Cundinamarca, visit the Bogotá section of El Espectador.

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