Home » Handball Vladimir Tomić after RK Borac RK Herzegovina | Sport

Handball Vladimir Tomić after RK Borac RK Herzegovina | Sport

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Handball Vladimir Tomić after RK Borac RK Herzegovina |  Sport

“I think we should have won this game as well as the last game, but apparently not all of us on the field are asking ourselves”, said Hergevovine handball player Vladimir Tomić after the defeat against Borec.

Source: MONDO/Dragan Šutvić

Handball players from Herzegovina were defeated by Borac 22:18 in the first match of the BiH Cup quarterfinals, played in Borik.

And this time, as recently in the championship (28:27), Herzegovina proved to be a tough nut for the red-blues, who settled the match in the last ten minutes and reached perhaps a more convincing victory than it seemed that it would be.

Despite the four-goal deficit, Herzegovina handball player Vladimir Tomić is confident of his team’s passage to the final tournament of the BiH Cup.

“I think we should have won this game as well as the last game, but obviously not all of us on the field are asking ourselves. Four differences are too many, but it’s not unattainable, so I’m sure we’ll make up for it in Nevesinje and go to the Final Four,” said Tomić and looked back on the period when the match was decided.
“We scored 3.4 goals in the last 15 minutes, the defense was good, but we weren’t good in attack,” he said.

The rematch between Herzegovina and Borca will be played in seven days in Nevesinje.

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