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Heinz Hoenig banned from every exam

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Heinz Hoenig banned from every exam

Even on day six, viewers cannot call for Heinz Hoenig. The actor is again not allowed to take part in the exam – thereby angering fans.

This year’s candidates have been sitting in the jungle camp for almost a week. Starting next Friday, one of them will be gradually voted out of the show. The celebrity with the fewest audience votes has to leave the Australian bush.

IBES fans also have the power in the first week. However, the audience does not decide whether to be kicked out, but rather can choose who has to go into the jungle test. The first choice was Kim Virginia and Twenty4Tim. Leyla Lahouar was voted on several times.

Not a single test for Heinz Hoenig

Only Heinz Hoenig hasn’t received a single call so far. Because the acting legend has been banned from the jungle tests since day one. “For health reasons,” the 72-year-old has not been allowed to take part in a single challenge, according to the broadcaster’s official reason.

Heinz Hoenig could neither climb into the maintenance shaft nor lie in the concrete mixer. All exams so far have been physically demanding, which justifies the actor’s ban. But he is also suspended for the game on day seven. But why?

Because in the “Bah!res für Gares” test, which RTL will show on Thursday, a candidate only has to eat “food antiques”. There will be no sporting activity or physical exertion. Nevertheless, the audience was not allowed to call for Heinz Hoenig.

“What is he in the jungle for anyway?”

On X (formerly Twitter) the fans are angry. “Heinz is blocked from a food test… No, come on, that’s silly…” comments one user. “Heinz isn’t even allowed to eat anything. What is he in the jungle for anyway?” asks another. Also to be read: “Heinz has to be the first out of there, please. It’s pointless and not fair if he can’t take part in any exams.”

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And what does RTL say about it? “Heinz Hoenig is banned from the upcoming jungle test for health reasons,” said a station spokesman when asked by t-online. The broadcaster did not answer whether the 72-year-old would not take part in the exams for the entire two weeks. RTL also left uncommented on whether Heinz Hoenig may have negotiated in advance not to have to complete a test in the jungle.

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The 17th season of “I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here!” started on January 19th. This year’s edition is a very special one for RTL. The format flickered across screens for the first time 20 years ago.

Of the twelve stars, only eleven candidates are currently fighting for the crown and the prize of 100,000 euros. Cora Schumacher voluntarily left the camp on day three. Now she wants to fight for her jungle fee. Meanwhile, the other residents devote themselves to the fight for the stars.

Who will win the race will be revealed on February 4th. Then the big finale starts. Like last year, RTL is broadcasting one more episode this year. A trick with which the broadcaster earns millions. Read more about the topic here: Money machine jungle camp.

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