Home » Helena Topalović showed a stroller for a baby from 150,000 | Fun

Helena Topalović showed a stroller for a baby from 150,000 | Fun

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Helena Topalović showed a stroller for a baby from 150,000 |  Fun

Helena Topalović and her husband will become parents very soon and have a daughter, and they have already prepared everything and do not save when shopping for the baby.

Source: Instagram/helena_topalovic

Topalko’s daughter tolerates the last days of pregnancy very well, and her husband from the beginning tries to please her in everything, so he showers her with expensive gifts, but he doesn’t skimp even when he buys for the heiress.

Source: Instagram/helena_topalovic

Helena Topalović has now shown what the stroller, carrier and seat for the baby look like, which have already found a place in their home. The colors in question are black and gold, and the cart itself costs 150,000 dinars.

“My husband arranged everything, I was only a moral support,” wrote Helena, who regularly advertised during her pregnancy, and on one occasion boasted that she was already buying designer and expensive clothing for her heiress.

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