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How many boiled eggs can be eaten | Magazine

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How many boiled eggs can be eaten |  Magazine

In the next few days, we will eat a larger amount of eggs, and experts advise us to take care of excessive intake.

Izvor: Shutterstock/FotoCuisinette

If you eat every day two to three eggs, your body will get enough choline, a vitamin that is the most important building block of our brain. Chicken eggs are rich in lutein, a substance responsible for clear and good vision. Biotin, vitamin B12 and proteins that improve digestion contribute to strengthening hair and skin. Phospholipids found in chicken eggs help eliminate toxins from the liver.

Still, what happens if we overdo it with eggs? Higher intake than intended can increase cholesterol. LDL cholesterol, better known as bad cholesterol, is carried from the liver to the arteries and body tissues. Researchers say this can lead to a buildup of cholesterol in blood vessels and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Egg yolks contain large amounts of cholesterol: according to the US Department of Agriculture, there are about 185 milligrams of cholesterol in a large eggwhich is more than half of the recommended intake dose.

The World Health Organization suggests a total of 300 milligrams per day. Serbian nutritionists also often talked about this, who pointed out that Easter eggs should be kept in the refrigerator for up to seven days, while a cracked egg can be kept for five days. Women are advised to eat two eggs a day, while three eggs are recommended for men, although they generally eat much more.


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