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If we asked you which dish always enchants all your senses, what would you say? | Info

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If we asked you which dish always enchants all your senses, what would you say?  |  Info

If we asked you which dish always enchants all your senses, what would you say?

Source: Promo/Andrej Nihil

“As long as you have a bite of food in your mouth, problems are solved – at least for now,” said Franz Kafka, one of the most important writers of the 20th century. In addition to recipes that are passed down from generation to generation, numerous gastronomic giants have also left words throughout history that are still often mentioned today. This is how the belief that “people who love food are the best people” was born, which is also one of the favorite quotes of gourmets.

The beginning of the national cuisine is linked to the Nemanjić dynasty, and on Serbian cuisine in the Middle Ages it was influenced by Byzantium. Did you know that until the middle of the 19th century, Serbs sat down to the table twice a day? There was no breakfast, and it was eaten at 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. The first cake was pogača, and today the most beautiful flavors of Serbian cuisine are recounted far and wide. The southern part of Serbia is a place that preserves traditional features. It is about the most characteristic cuisine that offers a real delight, and these are the most famous specialties that you must try:


Source: Promo/Andrej Nihil

Famous Serbian vegetable caviar! Everyone knows that ajvar is a food without which the winter table is unimaginable. A specialty of Balkan, especially Serbian cuisine, made from red pepper, can boast of a popular myth. Owners of Serbian taverns advertised it as “Serbian caviar”, just to make guests want to try it. Leskovac ajvar is the only one from our area with a protected geographical origin, so prepare your palate for the hedonism that will ask for it again.

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Source: Promo/Predrag Vučković

There is no household in the south of Serbia without this specialty in jars. The Leskovac region is the most famous area in Serbia for the cultivation of paprika, and real homemade lütenica is created for all lovers of hot and spicy dishes. It easily becomes a favorite addition to dishes! It consists of peppers, carrots, eggplant, black and garlic, tomatoes, vegetable oil, sugar, salt and pepper. The biggest difference between ljutenica and ajvar is that ljutenica can be prepared from thermally untreated paprika.

Grill from Leskovac

In the heart of the Leskovac basin, on the small river Veternica, near its confluence with South Morava, a special barbecue meat is made, the original recipe of which has not left the town to this day. This is precisely why the Leskovac Roštiljijada, a seven-day barbecue and gourmet festival, was created, which attracts a large number of visitors every year. The street exudes clouds of smoke, the smell of kebabs, sausages and chips, and the real attraction is making a Guinness patty – the biggest in the world! If you come to Leskovac, you will immediately understand why it is impossible to leave without a good lunch.

Peppers stuffed with cheese

Source: Promo/Dragan Vildović

Peppers stuffed with cheese will awaken a whole range of tastes and smells that remind you of childhood and the dishes from the oven that our grandmothers prepared. However, everyone defines them according to their own taste – there are those who eat them as a side dish, but also those for whom the famous peppers are the main meal. They are equally delicious both hot and cold, and true gourmets know that this is a perfect summer meal that is gladly recommended to foreigners.

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