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Interview at the Two Sessions|Correctly understanding and grasping Chinese-style modernization- Qiushi.com

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Interview at the Two Sessions|Correctly understanding and grasping Chinese-style modernization- Qiushi.com

Interview at the Two Sessions|Correctly understanding and grasping Chinese-style modernization

——Interview with Feng Pengzhi, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, director of the Philosophy Teaching and Research Department of the Central Party School (National School of Administration), and professor

The generalization and in-depth elaboration of the Chinese-style modernization theory is a major theoretical innovation of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the latest major achievement of scientific socialism. General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized the need to fully grasp the Chinese characteristics, essential requirements and major principles of Chinese-style modernization. In order to further study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on Chinese-style modernization, and focus on how to correctly understand and grasp Chinese-style modernization, we interviewed Feng Pengzhi, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, director of the Philosophy Teaching and Research Department of the Central Party School (National School of Administration), and professor.

Qiushi.com reporter:

Chinese-style modernization not only has the common characteristics of the modernization of all countries, but also has distinctive characteristics based on its own national conditions. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly summarized the Chinese characteristics of Chinese-style modernization and profoundly revealed the scientific connotation of Chinese-style modernization. Please talk about how to understand the Chinese characteristics of Chinese-style modernization.

Member Feng Pengzhi:

When a country moves towards modernization, it must not only follow the general laws of modernization, but also conform to its own reality and have its own characteristics. The report of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly summarized Chinese-style modernization as “a modernization with a huge population”, “a modernization with common prosperity for all people”, “a modernization with a harmonious balance between material civilization and spiritual civilization”, “a modernization with a harmonious coexistence between man and nature”. “, “Modernization on the path of peaceful development” with Chinese characteristics in five aspects.

Chinese-style modernization is socialist modernization under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. Based on the distinctive characteristics of their own national conditions. Especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we have continuously deepened our understanding, continuously improved our strategy, and enriched our practice. From the combination of theory and practice, we have more fully and realistically demonstrated the Chinese characteristics of Chinese-style modernization. Practice has fully proved that Chinese-style modernization is feasible and stable, and it is the only correct path for building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation. Adhering to the Chinese characteristics of Chinese-style modernization not only provides a clearer, more scientific, and more feasible theoretical guidance for promoting Chinese-style modernization, but also specifies clearer, more precise, and more firm practical requirements for promoting Chinese-style modernization.

Qiushi.com reporter:

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made a scientific summary of the essential requirements of Chinese-style modernization. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “We must deeply understand and grasp it systematically, especially to implement this essential requirement in all work.” Please talk about how to systematically grasp the essential requirement of Chinese-style modernization.

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Member Feng Pengzhi:

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China that the essential requirements of Chinese-style modernization are: adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, adhere to socialism with Chinese characteristics, achieve high-quality development, develop people’s democracy throughout the process, enrich the spiritual world of the people, and realize the The common prosperity of the people promotes the harmonious coexistence between man and nature, promotes the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, and creates a new form of human civilization. This is not only a systematic revelation of the inherent nature of Chinese-style modernization, but also a clear declaration of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people to build a modern socialist country in an all-round way.

The leadership of the Communist Party of China is directly related to the fundamental direction, future and fate of Chinese-style modernization, as well as its ultimate success or failure, and determines the fundamental nature of Chinese-style modernization. Adhering to the leadership of the Communist Party of China is the most distinctive feature and the most prominent advantage of Chinese-style modernization, and it is the highest principle that must be adhered to in advancing Chinese-style modernization. Adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, adhere to socialism with Chinese characteristics, insist on putting the people first in the practice process of coordinated development of material civilization, political civilization, spiritual civilization, social civilization, and ecological civilization, and insist on building a community with a shared future for mankind to lead the development and progress of human civilization The correct direction not only pointed out a broad road for building a socialist modern power in an all-round way and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, but also shaped a new picture of world modernization theory and practice, expanded the path choices for developing countries to modernize, and provided human beings with more The exploration of a good social system provides a Chinese solution.

Qiushi.com reporter:

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China profoundly explained the major principles that must be firmly grasped in Chinese-style modernization. Please talk about how to deeply grasp these five major principles.

Member Feng Pengzhi:

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly pointed out that in order to comprehensively build a modern socialist country and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization, we must firmly grasp and strengthen the overall leadership of the party, adhere to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and persist in putting the people first. The center’s development thinking, adhere to the major principles of deepening reform and opening up, and adhering to the spirit of struggle. This is not only to be prepared for danger in times of peace and to plan ahead for Chinese-style modernization from the perspective of a sense of crisis and bottom-line thinking, but also a practical principle for Chinese-style modernization constructed on the basis of historical confidence and historical initiative.

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What needs to be noticed is that promoting Chinese-style modernization is an unprecedented pioneering undertaking, and it will inevitably encounter various predictable and unpredictable risks and challenges, difficulties and obstacles, and even stormy waves. This requires us to increase our sense of urgency, adhere to bottom-line thinking, dare to fight, be good at fighting, and open up new horizons for career development through tenacious struggle. It is necessary to maintain strategic sobriety and be aware of various risks and challenges; maintain strategic self-confidence and strengthen the confidence of struggle; maintain strategic initiative and enhance the ability to fight.

In a nutshell, adhering to the leadership of the party clarifies the leadership and fundamental guarantee of Chinese-style modernization; adhering to the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics clarifies the correct direction and fundamental principles of Chinese-style modernization; adhering to the people-centered development philosophy clarifies It clarified the value and fundamental position of Chinese-style modernization; insisted on deepening reform and opening up, and clarified the powerful engine and fundamental driving force of Chinese-style modernization; insisted on carrying forward the spirit of struggle, and clarified the theoretical character and source of strength of Chinese-style modernization. These five aspects are interrelated and mutually reinforcing, forming an organic and unified whole.

Qiushi.com reporter:

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that “promoting Chinese-style modernization is a systematic project, which requires overall planning, systematic planning, and overall promotion, and correctly handles top-level design and practical exploration, strategy and tactics, integrity and innovation, efficiency and fairness, vitality and order, A series of important relationships such as self-reliance and opening up to the outside world.” Please share your understanding of this important discussion.

Member Feng Pengzhi:

General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward that “advancing Chinese-style modernization is a systematic project”, and made a profound explanation and set clear requirements for several major relationships that need to be properly handled to promote Chinese-style modernization. Further deepen the understanding of the laws of promoting Chinese-style modernization. In the process of promoting Chinese-style modernization, we must adhere to the system concept and correctly handle the six major relationships proposed by the General Secretary.

First, handle the relationship between top-level design and practical exploration. Promoting Chinese-style modernization is the central task of our party in the new era and new journey. Only by doing a good job in top-level design can we firmly grasp the fundamental direction and anchor the goal of struggle; only by focusing on practical exploration can we stimulate strong motivation and gather majestic forces. We must not only strengthen the timeliness, regularity, and creativity of planning and policy formulation, but also boldly carry out practical explorations and promote development through reform and innovation.

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Second, handle the relationship between strategy and strategy. Promoting Chinese-style modernization is an open undertaking facing the future. Only by adhering to strategic thinking can we focus on the overall situation and grasp the long-term; only by focusing on flexibility can we implement precise policies and provide specific guidance. We must not only enhance the forward-looking, overall, and stability of the strategy, but also organically combine the principles of the strategy with the flexibility of the strategy, be flexible and maneuver, and always grasp the strategic initiative.

Third, properly handle the relationship between integrity and innovation. Chinese-style modernization is an unprecedented pioneering undertaking. Only by keeping upright can we not lose our way, make subversive mistakes, and leave no historical regrets. Only by innovation can we grasp and lead the times. We must not only keep the foundation and source, root and soul of Chinese-style modernization, but also put innovation in a prominent position in the overall development, vigorously promote innovation in all aspects, and constantly shape new development drivers and new advantages.

Fourth, properly handle the relationship between efficiency and fairness. Chinese-style modernization is the modernization of common prosperity for all people. Only by creating higher efficiency can the people’s yearning for a better life be continuously realized; only by effectively maintaining social fairness can the Chinese characteristics and essential requirements of Chinese-style modernization be reflected. We must persist in implementing the new development concept, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, and promote high-quality development. At the same time, we must pay attention to ensuring and improving people’s livelihood during development, and better promote social equity.

Fifth, handle the relationship between vitality and order well. Chinese-style modernization is a great cause of building a modern and powerful country and realizing national rejuvenation. Only by fully stimulating the innovation and creativity of the whole society can it provide a strong impetus for national prosperity and national rejuvenation; only by ensuring security and stability can the premise of national prosperity and national rejuvenation be established. foundation. It is necessary to coordinate development and security, implement the overall national security concept, and resolutely safeguard national political security, institutional security, ideological security, and security in key areas.

Sixth, properly handle the relationship between self-reliance and self-improvement and opening up to the outside world. Chinese-style modernization is a modernization explored, pioneered and practiced by the Chinese themselves while adhering to opening up to the outside world. This requires us to not only put the development of the country and the nation on the basis of our own strength, and firmly hold the destiny of our country’s development and progress in our own hands, but also continue to expand high-level opening up to the outside world and vigorously expand the development space for Chinese-style modernization.

Source: Qiushi.com Reporter: Zhang Shuhong Producer: Han Chen and Zhang Liying Reviewer: Song Weiqiang Supervisor: Ma Jianhui

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