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Irfan Smajlagić after the defeat against Sweden | Sport

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Irfan Smajlagić after the defeat against Sweden |  Sport

The BiH coach commented on the defeat by Sweden at the opening of the European Championship.

Source: MONDO/Dragan Šutvić

Last night, the BiH national handball team suffered a defeat in the first match of the European Championship against Sweden with a score of 29:20. Although it may not be possible to conclude from the results, the “dragons” played a very good match against the current European champion, but we were hampered by a drop in the game at the end of the first and second half.

Selector Irfan Smajlagić said after the match that greater continuity is needed for a positive result.

“We played against the European champions, a national team that wrote the history of handball, which is energetically perfect, tactically very skilled. We had good periods in our game, but a positive result requires more continuity,” said Smajlagić and added:

“They are like one machine, it’s nice to play with them, feel that charm and win a result that is tolerable.”

“Dragons” played a preparatory tournament in Switzerland before the EURO where, somewhat unexpectedly, they experienced three convincing defeats. Smajlagić also reflected on those three matches.

“You know these are two different games, two different tournaments. The ‘Yellow Cup’ was too demanding for us. The players came to their senses and they had the same approach they had in Switzerland, only now they had a lot more energy, and when you have more energy mental strength is stronger, you bring better solutions. The only thing I’m not satisfied with is the result, but I’m satisfied with the engagement.”

At the end, the selector added that Senjamin Burić has renewed his injury and more information about his health condition will be known today.

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BiH will play its next match tomorrow, and the opponent will be the Netherlands.

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