by admin

BYOBLU-MONDOCANE EPISODE 3/5, broadcast Sunday 9.30pm, repeats Monday 9.30am, Tuesday 11.00am, Wednesday 10.30pm, Thursday 10.00am, Saturday 4.30pm, Sunday 9.00am

It could not fail to be Palestine and, specifically, Gaza, the navel of the world which, if it were severed, would cause bleeding to affect all living beings on the planet. For whom, moreover, there is someone who appears ready to provoke him: Gaza is not enough, in the meantime let’s bomb Syria and Iraq, then Iran will be seen. In the Mediterranean we have brought more stuff that shoots, kills and destroys than what we needed in 1942 to defeat Field Marshal Rommel. Just in case the natives here too wanted to stay at home and do their own thing.

As long as there is war there is hope of surviving one’s economic, social, cultural and moral decay. Just have more weapons than everyone else and be more ready than everyone else to use them. We are, or we are not, the race of Jack the Ripper, of Mr. Hyde, of those who killed 50 million red Indians without batting an eyelid and, from then to the present minute, have never stopped, thanks also to the delegations splendidly assumed by allies, servants and a carcinoma in the Middle East capable of fantastic metastasis.

What really happened on October 7th between expropriated Palestine and Gaza and in the kibbutzim built on the charred rubble of Palestinian villages? What are the other, but decisive testimonies, which, like the opinions of no-Vax, or no-roasted-planet scientists, are inaudible and invisible and, if they escape outside, they are slaughtered without mercy?

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Who came to visit Israel from Ukraine, under the banner and in the name of those whom the predecessors of the current intruders in Palestine had exterminated, warmly welcomed by the local General Staff, eager to emulate and surpass what the guests had done in Donbass?

And isn’t it a world that’s off to a perfect start when a UN Secretary who tells obvious things about the reaction of a child being kicked in the face orders him to jump from the top floor of the UN building?

Meanwhile, healthy humanity, concentrated in the South and East (but not only, see the 100,000 in London) has broken through the distorting mirror that still makes us see lanterns for fireflies, that is, executioners for victims. Humanity that has understood the message: holocaust that covers holocaust, and this, and only this, will be able to put an end to those who persist in perpetrating it.

There is also a mention of the other Terminator, the one of inoculations, who, forced by evidence as vast as the world of dead and disabled, had to write that that toxic preparation will make your heart jump.

Then there’s something else.

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