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Lazio, Sarri: “Submissive in the key moment, but Inter with a different engine size”

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Lazio, Sarri: “Submissive in the key moment, but Inter with a different engine size”

 Il tecnico biancoceleste dopo il ko con l'Inter: "C'è ancora da crescere per arrivare a quel livello"

Maurice Sarri admits defeat and recognizes the superiority of the opponent after the defeat at San Siro againstInter: “In the climax of the match we became compliant, conceding goals in a soft way – the words of the coach of Lazio a Sky Sport -. I didn’t like the match phase where they yelled at us and we became complacent. At 1-0 we didn’t concede much and we could have even doubled, but we dropped in the last 20′. However, I had the feeling that Inter have a different physical and mental capacity than us, so we still need to grow to get to that level. If someone at the beginning of the year had told us that at this point in the championship we would have been second we would all have been happy, we have to start over from this and be confident”.

Then Sarri spoke of the goal at Gosenswho overturned the game: “We could have gone up a bit, we were out of goal. The line was subjected to too many readings in that phase of the game and it is clear that then one can be wrong. We were certainly late”.

Anonymous the performance of Cyrus Immobile: “It’s normal, he can’t be at the top yet. When I took him off, I thought about putting in a dribbler to increase tension in the opponents.”

He then went wild at the press conference: “Satisfied footballers? I can’t completely rule it out. We live in a difficult environment to be extremely clear-headed, the Roman media tend to go to extremes in one direction or the other: either it’s all bullshit or it’s all easy. But it’s us who shouldn’t fall into these stories, the reality is what I said before: it wasn’t easy before, it’s not impossible now. If we go to the Champions League we’ll make a miracle, I remain of this idea, just read the substitutions of today’s opponents. they win in many ways, today we saw that there is a gap to cover, we can partly cover it, the club must partly cover it”.

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Excluding the hypothesis of withdrawal: “As Fantozzi said, for me the training camp is crazy bullshit. If the boys want to go then it’s right to go, even if we play every two-three days we go there anyway. But if it was enough to go to training camp, Perugia the Champions League for 15 consecutive years…”.

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