Home » League 1 standings – Persikabo 1973 Officially relegated to League 2, Radja Nainggolan et al on the lips of the ravine

League 1 standings – Persikabo 1973 Officially relegated to League 2, Radja Nainggolan et al on the lips of the ravine

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League 1 standings – Persikabo 1973 Officially relegated to League 2, Radja Nainggolan et al on the lips of the ravine


Persikabo 1973 striker Dimas Drajad celebrates after scoring a goal against Madura United in the 26th week of Liga 1 2023/2024 which took place at Bangkalan Stadium, Monday (26/2/2024).

BOLASPORT.COM – Week 30 of the 2023-2024 League 1 standings places Persikabo 1973 relegated to League 2.

Persikabo was relegated after losing with a score of 2-5 to Persik Kediri at the Brawijaya Stadium, Thursday (28/3/2024) evening.

Persik Kediri’s goal was scored by Flavio Silva (14′, 19′, 34′, 43′, 81′).

Meanwhile, Persikabo’s goal was scored by Yandi Sofyan (45+1′, 64′).

With this result, Persikabo is in 18th position in the standings with 17 points.

With four matches remaining, Persikabo will certainly not be able to climb to the safe zone, namely 15th position.

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This is because the maximum points that can be achieved are 29 points, while in 15th position is PSS which has scored 31 points from 29 matches.

Meanwhile, Bhayangkara FC drew against Persib with a score of 0-0 at the Si Jalak Harupat Stadium, Kab. Bandung, Thursday (28/3/2024) evening.

This result meant that Radja Nainggolan et al could still breathe, but on the edge of a cliff.




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