Home » Li Zongguang: The peak of the impact of the epidemic has passed, and there is no need to “manufacture” the industry chain anxiety | Chief reading data

Li Zongguang: The peak of the impact of the epidemic has passed, and there is no need to “manufacture” the industry chain anxiety | Chief reading data

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Li Zongguang: The peak of the impact of the epidemic has passed, and there is no need to “manufacture” the industry chain anxiety | Chief reading data
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First Financial 2022-05-16 16:32:57

Author: Liang Xiangyi Editor in charge: Sun Ji

Li Zongguang, chief economist of China Renaissance, said that the decline in the added value of the manufacturing industry was mainly caused by the shutdown of some enterprises affected by the epidemic. From the current point of view, the time when the most seriously affected by the epidemic has passed, and the implementation of incremental tools at the policy level in the future, the economy will hopefully improve in the second half of the year.

Li Zongguang: The peak of the impact of the epidemic has passed, and there is no need to “manufacture” the industry chain anxiety | Chief reading data

According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics today, in April, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size fell by 2.9% year-on-year. Among them, the manufacturing industry fell by 4.6%. Li Zongguang, chief economist of China Renaissance, said that the decline in the added value of the manufacturing industry was mainly caused by the shutdown of some enterprises affected by the epidemic. From the current point of view, the time when the most seriously affected by the epidemic has passed, and the implementation of incremental tools at the policy level in the future, the economy will hopefully improve in the second half of the year. As for whether the current industrial chain is affected by other countries, Li Zongguang believes that the industrial chain of Vietnam, including Southeast Asian countries and China, has neither one-to-one competition nor comparability, so there is no need to create anxiety.

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