Home » L’IA mon ami – yaamato

L’IA mon ami – yaamato

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L’IA mon ami – yaamato

Rawpix, the main robot.>. Photo credit: freepik.

In Pompoi, the medical world was suffering. Children were dying of serious illnesses and the medical profession was struggling to reassure their patients. There was no friend to comfort them at the time. On January 23, 2010, Mrs. Kina’s child was suffering from leukemia and was slowly going to her final resting place. Unfortunately, the doctors at Sainte Marguerite hospital did not have the courage to face Mrs. Kina’s gaze to tell her of the death of her child in the chemotherapy room. However, one of the doctors approached her and took her to the room where her child was. Lost and distraught, she took him, covered him with a white sheet, went out into the hospital corridor and cried until the dead were awakened.

This woman’s pain was unbearable to me. “Why should parents bury their children so early? “, I asked myself. Nothing replaces the happiness provided by the presence of a child. Upset by this mother’s distress, I dove into my memories and remembered a report on John Hagel, a former consultant specializing in information technology, whom I had followed at university and who dealt with artificial intelligence. During the report, John Hagel had to say that the development of artificial intelligence could be the catalyst we need to rediscover our humanity.

Faced with the inability of doctors to find a solution and comforting words to help Madame Kina, I set up a working group with friends who shared the same vision as me, to reflect on the question of how to humanize the environment. hospital using artificial intelligence? Everyone was happy to participate in the work sessions. Each of us felt concerned and therefore wanted to contribute our expertise.

Five years passed and we continued our research. Some traveled to the United States and Europe to develop more sophisticated algorithms. Others went to Asia and Africa to learn how to combine technology and traditional medicinal practices.

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After several attempts, the computer scientists succeeded and finally created a small robot to which he gave the name AI my friend, which understood the emotions of a human being. He thought, reasoned, analyzed, learned from those around him and imitated the facial expressions of pets. Likewise, it was equipped with fun software to allow young children to forget the evil that was gnawing away at their little bodies.

The little robot brought happiness wherever it was. We noticed that people were easily attracted, smiled and hoped when he diagnosed a certain cure for their illness. I was so fascinated by the feat of my scientist friends. I was convinced that we would revolutionize the medical world. But, we were facing financial difficulties. For the manufacture of a finished model of AI my friend, it was necessary to count in the hundred million CFA Francs. Unfortunately, I did not benefit from any funding; we went to plead with the big bosses of this world to raise funds. Those most interested listened to us and decided to inject colossal sums of money into our project.

In the first half of the following year, we received the first funding, which made it possible to produce the first robots and place them in the health centers selected for the testing phases. By word of mouth, we are in the spotlight. Indeed, the local and national press were interested in us, because our research fascinated them. Solicitations on famous television sets were pouring in. We wanted us to talk about the project AI my friend.

Parents and their children adopted this little robot. They praised it and recommended it. We were so proud and planned to bring it to other continents. Unfortunately, our plan ended without warning. One fine morning, we received a phone call from a government agent, who informed us that the Ministries of Public Health and Digital Affairs in our country prohibited us from talking about it or making any communication about it. Reportedly, the project would threaten the country’s internal security. We may disclose information.

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In the hours that followed, the Defense and Security Forces surrounded our laboratory. Men dressed in black came in, put us in a corner of the room, unplugged the central unit, picked up our machines, overturned all the furniture and disappeared as they had appeared. Besides, they didn’t stop there. They collected all the little robots from the health centers. Children and parents were panicking. Some patients therefore attacked our homes and our families. Most of my colleagues also fled to avoid reprisals. In the end, my project, AI my friend was thrown into oblivion, because the authorities in my country feared artificial intelligence. Furthermore, my friends sold the idea of ​​the project to the highest bidders. My phone stopped ringing. No one visited me. I was alone and in debt.

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