Home » Mainland Peking Opera Masters Shine in Taiwan: A 30th Anniversary Performance Celebrated with Rave Reviews

Mainland Peking Opera Masters Shine in Taiwan: A 30th Anniversary Performance Celebrated with Rave Reviews

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Passing on the torch and carrying deep feelings – the 30th anniversary special performance by mainland Peking Opera masters in Taiwan received rave reviews

Xinhua News Agency, Taipei, October 3 – The recent special performance by the 80-member “Diamond Lineup” of the National Peking Opera Company in Taiwan has received widespread acclaim. Led by popular veteran Yu Kuizhi and Mei School Tsing Yi Li Shengsu, the performance showcased the rich essence of Peking Opera and provided a touching audio-visual feast for Taiwanese theater fans.

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the National Peking Opera Company’s performances in Taiwan. Since its first visit in 1993, the company has returned almost every year, building a sincere cultural bridge between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. The superb acting skills of the performers have allowed Taiwanese audiences to appreciate the charm of this quintessence of Chinese art.

The six major performances, including “The Female General of the Yang Family”, “Farewell My Concubine”, and “The Suo Lin Bag”, left the audience addicted to the drama, receiving continuous applause and cheers. The performances showcased the timeless appeal of Peking Opera and celebrated the passing down of this ancient art form from generation to generation.

In order to support the younger generation and provide opportunities for growth, popular actors Yu Kuizhi and Li Shengsu took on double roles alongside the young rookies. The growth and performance of these young actors left the audience deeply moved. Viewers expressed their admiration for Yu Kuizhi and Liu Lei’s performance in “The Golden Brick”, which they watched 25 years ago.

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The performances coincided with the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the themes of generosity, justice, and good deeds being rewarded resonated strongly with the audience. The art of Peking Opera was praised for its social education function in conveying these important values.

The performances not only showcased traditional Chinese culture but also left a lasting impression on the audience. A local Taipei student, who had previously only watched Peking Opera videos online, expressed his appreciation for the live performance and urged for the preservation and promotion of traditional art.

As the special 30th-anniversary performance concluded, the audience remained reluctant to leave. They patiently waited at the exit to interact with the cast and crew, expressing their love and admiration for the performance. Theater fans took to social media to share their experiences, using words like “worth it,” “touched,” and “shocked” to describe their emotions.

The love and support of the Taiwanese people for Peking Opera have served as a driving force for the National Peking Opera Company to continue its performances in Taiwan. As one university professor, who has been watching Peking Opera since childhood, commented, “Cultural inheritance is very important. It is exciting and touching to see their wonderful performances 30 years later. I want to grow old with them.”

The 30th-anniversary performance not only celebrated the achievements of the National Peking Opera Company but also showcased the enduring beauty and significance of Peking Opera. With the love and support of the audience, Peking Opera will continue to thrive and spread its charm both in Taiwan and beyond.

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