Home » Massacre of Cadore. From social delusions to life on the road, who is Angelika Hutter

Massacre of Cadore. From social delusions to life on the road, who is Angelika Hutter

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breaking latest news – The hearing to validate the arrest of is scheduled for tomorrow at the Giudecca women’s prison in Venice Angelika Hutterthe 31-year-old woman from the small town of Deggendorf in eastern Bavaria who on Thursday, July 6 at Santo Stefano di Cadore in the Belluno area it hit four people walking on the sidewalk, killing three.

Losing their lives after being mowed down by the crazy driving of the Hutter – the voluntary nature of causing the accident has not been excluded – little Mattia Antoniello who would have turned 2 on July 16th, his 48-year-old dad Marco and his maternal grandmother Maria Grazia Zuin of 64.

Litigation subject

Hutter is defined as a contentious subject. On social media in recent months she has lashed out against German banks, against couriers, perhaps a legacy of her when she was engaged to a postman. Angelika’s origins are Romanian but she has lived in Bavaria since she was a child.

In October, he had left home and his parents were worried. For all these months she has lived ‘hand to mouth’ and in his carsearched by the carabinieri after the accident, there was everything from blankets to sleep on to food.

They are Instagram wrote that she is an artist and through one of his websites he had tried, unsuccessfully, to see his ‘works’, watercolor drawings, wedding cards and hand-decorated furniture.

Already reported in Bolzano

Only a few days before committing the road murder in Cadore, Angelika Hutter had been denounced by the Bolzano Police Headquarters for objects intended to offend: the agents, called from an electronics store in a shopping center because the woman had quarreled with a sales, they had find in his backpack a hammer.

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As reported by the lawyer Giuseppe Triolo, Angelika in prison continues to repeat a single sentence in her mother tongue, “Ich bin in einem Abgrund” (“I am in an abyss”, the translation from the German) and does not remember anything of the accident. Hutter, as blood tests confirmed, hadn’t driven under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Doubts about the cause of the accident

Several question marks still remain regarding the causes of the tragedy:

Inattention caused by consulting the mobile phone (the mobile phone was confiscated)? Voluntary gesture after a quarrel with a person? Illness?

The cameras of a workshop filmed the passage of the black Audi A3 with Angelika Hutter on board driving a great speeddefinitely higher than the indicated ’50’ kilometers per hour (at least 90 km per hour have been hypothesized), via Udine: it was 15:14 minutes and 54 seconds and only four seconds later a loud bang was heard.

Tomorrow the lawyer Triolo will try to obtain the release from the Belluno judge, Enrica Marson because “she cannot stay in prison, the accident was a bad luck that can happen to anyone”.

Meanwhile, tomorrow the three bodies are expected in Favaro Veneto, the municipality of residence in the Venetian area of ​​the victims with the funeral that should be celebrated between Wednesday and Thursday in Dese.

Waiting for the three coffins will be Elena Potente, 42 (“my pain is too great”, she said), Mattia’s mother, Marco’s partner and Maria Grazia’s daughter. Tomorrow in Santo Stefano di Cadore it will be city ​​mourning.

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