Home » May 13 prayer and ritual to fulfill the miracle that awaits

May 13 prayer and ritual to fulfill the miracle that awaits

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May 13 prayer and ritual to fulfill the miracle that awaits

Historically, the Day of the Virgin of Fátima is celebrated every May 13 to commemorate the first appearance of the Virgin Mary to three shepherd children in the Cova da Iria, Fátima, Portugal, on May 13, 1917, which is why this celebration takes on greater prominence in this European country.

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According to the information collected in the work ‘Memories of Lucía’, since May 13, 1917, the children named Lucía, Francisco and Jacinta, revealed that the Virgin spoke to them and gave them a message of love, peace and repentance for all humanity.

This event is known as the ‘Miracle of the Sun’. One of the Virgin’s requests to Lucia was to go to that same place and at the same time on the 13th of each month, but it would only be in the month of October when she would confess the reason for her appearance.

When the date arrived, thousands of pilgrims came to the city of the same name located in Portugal to witness the visit of the Virgin. In the middle of a rainy day, the Sun rose and shone with its rays on the faithful who knelt before the Virgin.

Furthermore, the minors claimed to have seen a lady dressed in white brighter than the star, who asked them to pray the Rosary for the peace of the world and the conversion of sinners.

This apparition of Fatima had a great impact on the Catholic Church and the entire world, which is why it became one of the most popular and revered Marian devotions.

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In Colombia, the Day of the Virgin of Fátima is celebrated with special fervor in many cities and towns. Special masses, processions and other religious activities are held in honor of the Virgin Mary.

Prayer Virgin of Fatima

The official prayer of the Virgin of Fátima is not just one, but there are several prayers that are prayed to her. One of the best known according to the portal of the Sanctuary of Fátima is:

Fatima Prayer:

Oh my God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore you and love you with all my heart. I offer you the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the offenses, sacrilege and indifference with which He has been offended.

By the infinite merits of her Most Holy Heart and by the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I ask you for the conversion of sinners, the salvation of souls in agony, the peace of the world and the sanctification of priests.

Jaculatory to the Virgin of Fátima:

Oh sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation.

Rosary of Fatima:

The Rosary of Fatima is prayed like any other rosary, but with the particularity that the mysteries of light are meditated on.

This prayer can be performed on May 13 (anniversary of the apparitions), the 13th of each month, and the first Saturday of each month (first Saturdays devotion).

Ritual of Mhoni Vidente to ask the Virgin of Fátima for a miracle

Mhoni Vidente is a Cuban astrologer who is currently considered an important and recognized personality in the world of divination. Through her social networks, Seer advises rituals and makes predictions for her more than 2.23 million subscribers on YouTube.

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For this May 13, the astrologer stated that it is the day of the ‘Miracle Conceived’, so if you are expecting a pregnancy, getting married, a healing, a job or that miracle that you need so much, take the opportunity to ask the Virgin of Fatima.

The first thing people should do is light a white candle and make the request for their miracle on a piece of paper with red ink, 7 times. Then, they must make the request to the Virgin of Fátima several times and the miracle will be granted in less than 13 days.

Likewise, this day we must pray an Our Father, a Hail Mary and the prayer of the Virgin of Fatima. As advice, Vidente indicated that the candle should be turned on at some of these three times: at 6 in the morning, at 1 in the afternoon or at 3 in the afternoon, so that the request takes on greater significance.

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