Home » Meloni vs Schlein, Vespa TV duel: that’s when

Meloni vs Schlein, Vespa TV duel: that’s when

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Meloni vs Schlein, Vespa TV duel: that’s when

Giorgia Meloni vs Elly Schlein. The most awaited confrontation will take place in front of the cameras. And now there is a date: Thursday 23 May. On that occasion, the prime minister and the secretary will duel in a special meeting Door to doorthe Rai1 broadcast hosted by Bruno Vespa. This was announced in a joint note by the respective party leaders.

Fifteen days before the vote for the EuropeansMeloni and Schlein will have the long-awaited face to face which will in fact launch the final sprint of an electoral campaign that is not without tensions. Both the leader of the Brothers of Italy and that of the Democratic Party, we remember, have recently dissolved their reservations by announcing that they will take the field personally in view of the appointment with the polls. Both are in fact candidates. There had already been talk of a television confrontation between the two in recent months, then the hypothesis seemed to have ended up in the freezer.

Now, here’s the appointment scheduled for a duel which promises to be lively and with no holds barred: whoever prevails will enjoy a media boost and an absolutely favorable image in view of the eagerly awaited appointment on 8 and 9 June. Last December, after having rejected the invitation to the Atreju event, Schlein said she was open to a TV challenge with Meloni. But at the same time she had not shown any particular urgency for that proposal to materialize. Thus, shortly afterwards, it was the leader of the Brothers of Italy herself who relaunched the gauntlet of the challenge: “It is right that the Prime Minister talks with the opposition leader before the European elections. I have never shied away and I won’t this time“.

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With those words, Meloni had thus sealed the appointment and at the same time had given a blow to Giuseppe Conte, ideally left on the sidelines of that proposed two-way confrontation.

Now the ring, kindly offered by Bruno Vespa (a coup, for the Rai journalist), is ready. The moment of truth has finally arrived: and who misses it?

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