Home » MIDDLE EAST | Maximum tension in Syria due to attacks on US bases – Channel 26

MIDDLE EAST | Maximum tension in Syria due to attacks on US bases – Channel 26

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Tensions in the Middle East have reached a new high after a series of attacks on US military bases in Syria and Iraq by pro-Iranian militias. According to reports, drones hit US bases in Syria, leading to maximum tension in the region.

The US has claimed that it destroyed three key buildings of the pro-Iranian militia Kataib Hezbollah in Iraq in response to the attacks. In addition, Iraqi resistance has reportedly attacked five US bases in Syria and Iraq.

These attacks have intensified the already volatile situation in the region, with US forces and pro-Iranian militias engaged in a tense standoff. The ongoing conflict has raised concerns about the potential for further escalation and the impact it could have on the stability of the Middle East.

The situation in Syria and Iraq is rapidly evolving, and the international community is closely monitoring developments in the region. The attacks on US bases have amplified tensions and raised fears of a potential escalation in the conflict.

As the situation continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how the US and pro-Iranian militias will navigate the escalating tensions in the region. The ongoing conflict in the Middle East has once again come to the forefront, with the potential to have far-reaching consequences on the stability of the region.

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