Home » Modern orthodontics: customized solutions for perfect smiles

Modern orthodontics: customized solutions for perfect smiles

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Modern orthodontics: customized solutions for perfect smiles

Orthodontics is an important branch of dentistry that deals with correcting the position of teeth and jaws. In recent years, the techniques and technologies used in orthodontics have evolved significantly, offering personalized and more effective solutions for patients. In Cluj, there are numerous dental clinics specializing in orthodontics that use the latest technologies to improve their patients’ smiles.

Here are four reasons why you should use orthodontic services in Cluj:

State-of-the-art technologies

In recent years, technology has evolved significantly in Cluj orthodontics, introducing new treatment methods such as Invisalign. This is an invisible orthodontic system that uses clear plastic aligners to correct the position of the teeth. In addition, 3D technology has revolutionized the way orthodontists plan and execute treatments. Through digital scanning, Cluj orthodontists can obtain accurate models of the teeth and jaws, allowing them to plan personalized treatments and achieve more accurate results.

Customized solutions

Modern orthodontics focuses on finding personalized solutions for each individual patient. Instead of using general approaches, doctors’ offices of dentistry assess the needs and preferences of each patient and propose tailored solutions. For example, for patients who experience pain or discomfort during treatment, there are options that use more comfortable and discreet orthodontic brackets.

Improving oral health

Orthodontics isn’t just about getting a beautiful smile, it’s also about improving your oral health. Correctly positioned teeth are easier to clean and care for, reducing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Correct occlusion can also reduce muscle tension and help prevent temporomandibular joint problems.

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Fast and lasting results

Modern orthodontics offers fast and lasting results. Although the duration of treatments can vary depending on the complexity of the case, in general, the duration of treatments has decreased significantly due to new technologies and techniques. In addition, the results of the treatments are much more precise and durable, allowing patients to enjoy a beautiful and healthy smile in the long term.

Types of orthodontic treatments in Cluj

There are several options for orthodontic treatments, depending on the needs and preferences of each patient. These can be:

Fixed braces – are the most used and effective orthodontic methods, as they allow precise and controlled movement of the teeth. The duration of treatment varies according to each case, but on average it is 18-24 months.

Mobile braces – are orthodontic devices that can be removed from the mouth as needed, unlike fixed ones. Mobile dental appliances are especially recommended for children, in the phase of growth and development of the jaws and teeth.

Transparent dental aligners – they are a modern and discreet alternative to classic dental appliances. Clear dental aligners are clear plastic trays that fit perfectly over the teeth and gradually move them into the correct position.

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