Home » Museum of Illusions at Palazzo Barolo

Museum of Illusions at Palazzo Barolo

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Museum of Illusions at Palazzo Barolo

Palazzo Barolo

Open to the public from 16 September

via delle Orfane 7/A

The Museum of Illusions opens its doors on September 16th in the center of Turin in the historic Palazzo Barolo in via delle Orfane 7/A.

In this noble residence in the Piedmontese capital, children and people of all ages can enjoy many perceptive games (70 works, photographs, installations) and “illusory moments”.

There are optical illusions generated by the physiology of the eye or those linked to altered mental interpretations in the exhibition. From illusions of movement to illusions of depth, these works show how our brain can be tricked and how our perception can be easily manipulated. In addition to perceptual games, the Museum of Illusions also hosts a series of multimedia and interactive installations. These, through the use of advanced technologies, show how virtual reality can alter our perception of the surrounding world.

Objective: have fun, think, concentrate, smile. The works on display remind us that the brain can deceive us: it is up to us to always be vigilant and question appearances.

In the exhibition the perceptive and multimedia games are also artistic. Because art and perception are one and the same from which amazing illusions arise.

Costs: adult ticket 10 euros and 8 euros ticket for those who have a Turin museum pass.


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