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New Online Platform Simplifies Schengen Visa Process for Cuban Applicants

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New Online Platform Simplifies Schengen Visa Process for Cuban Applicants

The European Union has announced that the process for obtaining a Schengen visa will soon become simpler, thanks to the creation of a new online platform. This platform will allow applicants to enter all necessary data, upload electronic copies of travel and supporting documents, and pay fees without having to visit a consulate.

Cubans who have previously obtained a Schengen visa and have their biometric data stored in the European system will be able to use the new online system. However, those applying for the first time or needing to register new biometric data will still need to visit a consulate in person.

The new digital system is expected to make the visa process more agile and easier, eliminating the need to visit consulates or put physical labels or glues on passports. The reform of the visa procedure has faced delays, but it is expected to be applied three weeks after its publication in the Official Journal of the EU. Specific application dates will be announced at that time.

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