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news, hostage release and more

Hopes for a ceasefire in Gaza ahead of the start of Ramadan are fading, with negotiations between Israel and Hamas unlikely to yield an agreement in the coming days, according to sources familiar with the talks.

The Biden administration had set the goal of reaching a temporary truce before the Muslim holy month next week, but it seems that a deal will not be reached in time. Negotiators had hoped to have a draft agreement this week after meetings in Cairo, but it appears that the discussions have hit a roadblock.

Both US officials and diplomats involved in the negotiations expressed pessimism about the prospects of a ceasefire deal. President Joe Biden had previously warned that without a ceasefire, the situation in the region could become “very, very dangerous.”

Israel has also issued a warning that if Israeli hostages held in Gaza are not released before Ramadan, they will launch a military offensive in southern Gaza. The ongoing conflict has already resulted in significant casualties and displacement of civilians.

Despite the setbacks, representatives from Hamas, Egypt, Qatar, and the United States continued with talks in Cairo this week, while Israel did not send a delegation due to certain demands not being met by Hamas.

The Biden administration has been pushing for a temporary pause in the fighting, with hopes for the release of hostages and humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza. However, the negotiations seem to be at a standstill, with Hamas demanding more guarantees and Israel reluctant to accept certain conditions.

The situation is further complicated by the recent deadly incident in Gaza City, which resulted in many casualties and setbacks in the negotiations. With the start of Ramadan fast approaching, there is increasing concern about the humanitarian situation in Gaza, with a quarter of the population on the brink of famine.

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Despite the challenges, Hamas has expressed willingness to continue negotiations and has called for a complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza, along with the provision of aid and reconstruction efforts.

As tensions remain high, the international community is closely watching the situation in Gaza, hoping for a breakthrough in the negotiations to prevent further escalation of violence during this sensitive time.

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