Home » ONLY GAZA? THE WORLD IS AT WORLD— — But among humans, Palestine wins

ONLY GAZA? THE WORLD IS AT WORLD— — But among humans, Palestine wins

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ONLY GAZA?  THE WORLD IS AT WORLD— — But among humans, Palestine wins

The growl of the Dachshund on the canal by Paolo Arigotti

Before making any reference to the content of this interview, allow me a premise.

The political group to which I contribute is organizing a demonstration in Milan on Saturday 18 November. The central speaker is the prestigious and respected Jewish figure Moni Ovadia.

I wish this event the greatest success.

In these weeks of frightening holocaust of the population of Gaza and the West Bank, justified with the episodes of terrorism of 7 October (now all by testimonies and evidence attributable to friendly fire), the Palestinians and their friends and supporters in Italy and in the world, in particular young people were the protagonists of endless and enormous demonstrations of protest and solidarity.

The walks and occasional countercultural excesses of young people for the questionable and discussed climatic and ecological “emergencies”, which deserve the protection and applause of “political correctness”, have been superimposed by the mobilization of young people against the real assaults on the planet and on humanity, of which the Palestinian genocide is an emblem. And here the media and political concert did not sound hymns of joy, understanding very well that they had encountered a real antagonist, the end of a narcosis.

It is the opportunity that has been hoped for for a long time, because those who, with a high average age, have had to lead an opposition with even revolutionary characteristics without the help of those who historically knew how and had to make revolutions.

The opportunity for these “grey panthers” to get to know and make themselves known to generations who have not yet been seen in the mobilization against authoritarian involutions. Anti-democratic squeezes which, starting from the mandatory vaccination and the Green Pass and ending with wars and a complicit post-fascist government, have blocked the necessary redemption.

As for the contents of the interview referred to in the link, I tried, with Paolo, to outline a broader context than that which reporters and analysts usually, and often instrumentally, refer to. A context that not only refers to the almost centennial expropriation of the Palestinian people, accompanied by massive expulsions, pogroms, decimations, torture of all kinds. But he sees the ongoing conflict as the heart of a crisis experienced by an imperial power in disintegration and progressively isolated from an evolving multipolar world.

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Multinational financial power, which, to impose prevarication, autocracy and domination, uses what remains of its state instruments (USA, Israel, EU), military power. A power whose crimes are guaranteed by media control and which is forced to ignite uninterrupted conflicts in order to assert itself. As the space for colonial conquest – or reconquest – is reduced, the objective is reduced to general destabilization and chaos.

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