Home » Pd, Elly Schlein: “Possible common battles with Conte and Calenda”. Yes to arms shipments to Ukraine

Pd, Elly Schlein: “Possible common battles with Conte and Calenda”. Yes to arms shipments to Ukraine

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Pd, Elly Schlein: “Possible common battles with Conte and Calenda”.  Yes to arms shipments to Ukraine

“On Monday, just after the victory, I had already announced that we would reopen the membership as soon as possible” and “I am pleased to announce that we have already reopened it online on the site and we are already working with the clubs to be able to go and do it throughout the territory. I do an appeal to the people of the primaries: come we need you, come and be part of this democratic community”. Thus the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein interviewed by Fabio Fazio a What’s the weather like on Rai Tre.

“I heard calendar e Conte after the primaries,” Schlein said. “It would be irresponsible if we didn’t try, with the other opposition forces, to find some common battlegrounds in our differences. I mention one on which I renew my invitation to the Third Pole, to M5s and to Avs: the minimum wage”. Do you see risks of splitting? “Absolutely not”, replied the secretary of the Democratic Party, reiterating that “we will work to keep the party united without giving up to a clear direction”.

“Support to Ukrainian people but build future of peace”

Schlein answered a question from Fazio on Ukraine: is it necessary to send arms? “Absolutely yes”, he replied, “we have already voted on this in Parliament, we need to support the Ukrainian people against a criminal invasion, this has never been questioned” but “there can be no left without the ambition to build a future of peace”, said Schlein, who, regarding the position of the Democratic Party with respect to the sending of weapons, confirmed that he sees it differently from Conte’s M5S on the point. “Conflicts – he said – cannot be resolved only with weapons, I would like a strong protagonism of the EU from a political and diplomatic point of view, a strong role because Putin it is not isolated, there are still many countries still supporting it. We need to be able to put even more pressure to build a terrain that can lead to an end to this conflict”.

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“Unfortunately, there are many open fronts with this government”, said the new dem secretary. “You are also forcing your hand on the issue of territorial inequalities”. The Minister for Autonomies Robert Calderoli “he said he had the green light from the Unified Conference on autonomy” but this was a reform “made by bypassing parliament. This is why we will strongly oppose this plan”.

School in Switzerland? I come from a very normal family

“Yes, it’s true: I studied in Switzerland, but attending only public schools”, said Schlein, who, with regard to some “fake news” spread by the right, specified: “I come from a very normal bourgeois family which, on the contrary, I thank you for the sacrifices made to make me and my brothers study”.

“I express total non-acceptance and condemnation of these phenomena of violence that we continue to see also in Turin”, said Schlein, whose sister, Susanna Schleinfirst adviser of the Italian embassy in Athens, escaped an attack last December: “There can be no acceptance and tolerance, all my solidarity with the offices, not only diplomatic and consular, which have suffered attacks: we must keep clear the defense of the principles of democracy and pluralism, we cannot retreat an inch”.

Cutro, from Piantedosi “inhuman” words

Commenting on the massacre of shipwrecked migrants in Cutro, “we were the first group that asked for information” from Minister Piantedosi, Schlein said, “and he will come to report on the very serious events in Crotone. We need to establish responsibilities and the line of command. Understand who decided for the Gdf to intervene, which did not have adequate means compared to the Coast Guard which had the means to intervene. For 7 hours from Frontex’s report, they went out twice and returned. If there was concern, why weren’t the We have launched the inspections to clarify why what happened is very serious, it is a deep wound on which the minister has argued instead of asking the right question about what can be done. I met a mother who lost two daughters Before saying inhuman things – he concluded – tell us what can be done to give protection”.

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