Home » “Peace, not war”: why Latin America refuses to send weapons to Ukraine

“Peace, not war”: why Latin America refuses to send weapons to Ukraine

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“Peace, not war”: why Latin America refuses to send weapons to Ukraine

Latin America wants peace, not war. It is not an ideological question linked to the return of the left in the majority of countries in the region. It has different reasons: it aims at neutrality, it resurrects the old non-aligned front. For political reasons, of course. But above all economic and commercial, of international relations with the giants of the world. If today they see the United States no longer as the giant on which they depend and which, in the last century, ended up influencing choices by often imposing the same regimes by force, with coups, but a commercial partner, in the same way they look with interest to maintain strong relations with China, Russia, India and South Africa.

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