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Pensioner told about dream to Nav employee – sentenced to prison – Dagsavisen

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Pensioner told about dream to Nav employee – sentenced to prison – Dagsavisen

BERGEN (Dagsavisen): “I hope I’m not having a true dream,” came cryptically from the man in his 70s after he had described horrific details from a nightmare he claimed to have had.

In the late summer of last year, he was at his local Nav office for a chat with his case manager. His own money had been placed under compulsory management, due to weak finances. If he needed money, he had to ask his case manager for approval.

Death in a pool of blood

The pensioner had asked for money for a necessary repair, but had little hope of getting a positive response. When the refusal came during the conversation, he was provoked, according to a recent judgment in Hordaland district court.

It was then that he presented the content of a dream he is said to have had a few days earlier. He described how he had seen the caseworker lying dead in a pool of blood while her family stood hysterically around her.

However, it wasn’t him who had killed her in the dream, and he hoped he wasn’t dreaming, he added.

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– Not meant to scare

The case manager perceived the dream story as a threat, and ended the meeting.

“You can take it as you like,” he replied before leaving the office.

The episode was investigated by the police, who brought charges for threats. When the pensioner appeared in court, he did not plead guilty, but confirmed that the conversation had proceeded as the case manager told him.

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He claimed that he had actually had this dream and that he did not intend to frighten the case manager when he told about it.

– Implied threat

But the district court judges were of a different opinion.

“Telling about the completely macabre dream, which concerned the case manager’s life, and otherwise dealt with her close family (…) is a threat that the defendant has sought to cover up by telling about the dream he had. (…) Although it may not have appeared realistic for the accused that [fornærmede] wanted to turn around and make a decision in his favour, that’s what he was trying to do.” it says in the judgement.

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Following the episode, the woman asked for a restraining order against the man, and looked over her shoulder in the neighbourhood, she explained in court. But eventually the fear subsided, and things returned to normal. The man also came on his own initiative and apologized for his behavior towards her.

The prosecutor asked for 24 days of unconditional imprisonment. But since the court believed the severity was in the lower tier, and the pensioner appeared to be a repentant man, he had his sentence reduced by three days.

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