Home » Pentagon leak, UN secretary Guterres intercepted: “Too long journey to Kiev”

Pentagon leak, UN secretary Guterres intercepted: “Too long journey to Kiev”

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Pentagon leak, UN secretary Guterres intercepted: “Too long journey to Kiev”

New York – The Pentagon had also intercepted the Secretary General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres, and listened to his talks with aides, personal spokesman and other UN officials. She reveals it Washington Post which mentions new documents from secret files, the subject of the “leaks”, the leaks that have embarrassed the United States.

The interception

In one of the wiretaps Guterres he described himself as “indignant” at having been denied a visit in Ethiopia and expressed “frustration” with the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky. According to a February 17 report, the Secretary-General wanted to meet with Ethiopian representative to the United Nations Taye Atske Selassie Amde after receiving a letter from Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen in which the Ethiopian government had rejected the proposal for an official visit to the country. ravaged by the civil war. Ethiopia and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front signed a peace deal in November after a two-year conflict, but tensions remained. Guterres wanted Taye to express his indignation to Demeke, after stressing that it was the first time he had received such a letter from a government during his secretariat, but he also assured him that it would be the last and that Demeke would never get another chance to write a letter like that.” During the African Union summit, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed “apologized” to Guterres. That was what the Secretary-General told a UN official on February 19. After the summit Guterres returned to New York, then went to Switzerland, Iraq and Qatar.

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The journey too long for Kiev

In another confidential document, the Secretary General is portrayed as “not happy” with the possibility of going to Kiev to meet President Zelensky. The report does not mention the reasons, but a senior UN official had noted that Guterres, 73, was not enthusiastic about the idea of ​​facing a long plane journey, followed by an 11-hour drive to reach the Ukrainian capital. “It’s not like when he’s on a private flight and can sleep,” the diplomat noted. In another file, dated 8 March, Guterres had met Zelensky privately but the Secretary General had confessed to his spokesman, Stéphane Dujarric, that he was “really annoyed” by the surprise public ceremony in honor of International Women’s Day, organized during his visit. At the root of the irritation was the fact that the UN delegation had not been informed of the change in plans, not least because Guterres ended up appearing in videos and photos congratulating Ukrainian military personnel at war with Russia. Guterres also told his spokesman that he had gone to Ukraine to help out, but that the Ukrainians “are doing everything to liquidate us”. The sentence would be part of another wiretap.

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