Home » Platense vs. Belgrano, for the 2024 LPF Cup: goals, results and controversies

Platense vs. Belgrano, for the 2024 LPF Cup: goals, results and controversies

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Platense vs.  Belgrano, for the 2024 LPF Cup: goals, results and controversies

At the Ciudad de Vicente López Stadium, the Pirate won by the minimum against Calamar but tied it at the end of the complement by Ronaldo Martínez. The visit ended with ten due to the expulsion of Passerini.

Platense drew 1-1 against Belgrano for the fifth date of Zone B of the LPF Cup 2024. The Ciudad de Vicente López Stadium is the stage where Guillermo Farré’s team found its first victory of the championship thanks to Passerini’s goal, but He was sent off and at the end the locals equalized thanks to Ronaldo Martínez.

The team led by coach Guillermo Farré started ahead with a goal from striker Lucas Passerini, who was later sent off, when one minute of stoppage time had passed in the first half, but the local team equalized at 43 minutes of the complement through a goal from Paraguayan striker Ronaldo Martínez . In a first half where inaccuracies reigned, Sebastián Grazzini’s team was a little more, since he generated the clearest options and dominated the attacking intentions. However, it was difficult for him to find a clear circuit of play and, until half an hour into the game, he did not complicate the Pirate goalkeeper, Nahuel Losada.

At 38 minutes, full-back Juan Ignacio Saborido overflowed from the right, touched midfielder Fernando Juárez, already inside the area, and he took a kick that Picco connected at the far post, but missed, despite being below the goal. . When it seemed that the local team was close, the attacker Gabriel Hachen finished inside the area and the visiting defender Matías Moreno went to the floor to cover; Then, he got up and took a long clearance that fell to forward Lucas Passerini, in the face of an inefficient setback by the local defense. The man from Formosa, a former Tigre, struck alone, eluded Cozzani and opened the scoring for Farré’s team to breathe, when he was in the first minute of stoppage time before halftime.

For the complement, Grazzini sent the more offensive footballer Luciano Ferreyra to the field in place of Fernando Juárez.

Quickly, the local team advanced on the field and cornered Belgrano, driven by the contributions of forwards Alan Marinelli and Paraguayan Ronaldo Martínez, however, it was difficult for them to create dangerous opportunities, against a retreating “pirate”, with midfielder Francisco González Metilli as the only possibility of counterattack. Platense ended up with three area forwards, even so, it was difficult for them to counteract a firm visiting defense, clinging to the minimal advantage that meant a revitalizing victory.

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Among the rain of crosses, with two left, goalkeeper Losada cleared one of them with his fists, but it fell short and the ball landed at the feet of Martínez at the penalty spot, who sealed the well-deserved equality for Grazzini’s team. Two minutes later, with the emotional momentum of the tie, Mateo Pellegrino connected with a cross in the six-yard box, which this time the visiting goalkeeper saved with great reflex to prevent the Calamar comeback.

Despite searching until the end, the local team had to settle for a tie that is of no use to anyone, since, at the close of Zone B, Grazzini’s team is in ninth place, with 5 points and just one victory, in so much so that Farré’s team continues without winning and accumulates 2 units, which places them in penultimate place, along with Sarmiento de Junín.

On the next date, Belgrano will receive “Verdolaga” from Junin; while Platense will visit Unión de Santa Fe, both on Monday at 9:30 p.m.

The goals of the tie between Platense and Belgrano

Platense vs. Belgrano: Lucas Passerini’s goal (0-1)

Platense vs. Belgrano: Ronaldo Martínez’s goal (1-1)

Platense vs. Belgrano live, for the Professional Football League Cup: minute by minute

The match between Platense and Belgrano ended

Platense and Belgrano tied 1-1 with goals from Ronaldo Iván Martínez Rolón and Lucas Giuliano Passerini.

44′ 2T: Change in Belgrano

Alex Ibacache leaves, Facundo Lencioni enters.

44′ 2T: Change in Belgrano

Ulises Sánchez leaves, Jeremías Lucco enters.

42′ 2T: Goal from Platense

Ronaldo Iván Martínez Rolón puts Platense 1 to 1 against Belgrano.

35′ 2T: Corner for Platense

The ball went into the corner! You will have to replace from the Platense corner. The person in charge of throwing it is Lucas Agustín Ocampo Galván.

33′ 2T: Change in Belgrano

Esteban Rolón leaves, Matías García enters.

33′ 2T: Change in Belgrano

Francisco González Metilli leaves, Pablo Chavarría enters.

30′ 2T: Corner for Platense

The ball went into the corner! You will have to replace from the Platense corner. The person in charge of throwing it is Lucas Agustín Ocampo Galván.

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29′ 2T: Change in Platense

Leonel Picco goes up, Mateo Pellegrino comes in.

28′ 2T: Yellow card for Nicolás Meriano

The referee shows a yellow card for Nicolás Meriano. Belgrano has 3 players cautioned.

23′ 2T: Change in Belgrano

Bryan Reyna leaves, Alejandro Rébola enters.

23′ 2T: Change in Platense

Carlos Villalba leaves, Agustín Ocampo enters.

23′ 2T: Change in Platense

Juan Ignacio Saborido leaves, Alan Marinelli enters.

18′ 2T: Corner for Platense

The ball went into the corner! You will have to replace from the Platense corner. The person in charge of throwing it is Sasha Julián Marcich.

13′ 2T: Change in Platense

Out comes Gabriel Hachen, in comes Ronaldo Martinez.

10′ 2Q: Tarjeta amarilla saves Lucas Giuliano Passerini

The referee shows a yellow card for Lucas Giuliano Passerini. Belgrano has 2 players cautioned.

0′ 2T: Change in Platense

Sale Fernando Juárez, enter Luciano Ferreyra.

The second half began between Platense and Belgrano

Belgrano beats Platense 1-0 with a goal from Lucas Giuliano Passerini.

The first half between Platense and Belgrano ended

Belgrano beats Platense 1-0 with a goal from Lucas Giuliano Passerini.

45′ 1T: Belgrano’s goal

Lucas Giuliano Passerini gives Belgrano a 1-0 lead against Platense.

23′ 1T: Yellow card for Juan Ignacio Saborido

The referee shows a yellow card for Juan Ignacio Saborido. Platense has a player cautioned.

16′ 1Q: Tarjeta amarilla saves Lucas Giuliano Passerini

The referee shows a yellow card for Lucas Giuliano Passerini. Belgrano has a player cautioned.

The match between Platense and Belgrano began

They are already playing at the Ciudad de Vicente López stadium for date 5 of the Professional Football League Cup.

The captains of Platense and Belgrano for the match for Argentina – Professional League Cup

During today’s match for Argentina – Professional League Cup, in Platense the team captain will be Gastón Suso while in Belgrano it will be Santiago Longo.

Platense formation confirmed


  • (31) John Paul Cozzani
  • (25) Juan Ignacio Saborido
  • (13) Ignacio Vázquez
  • (6) Gastón Suso
  • (18) Sasha Marcich
  • (14) Leonel Picco
  • (8) Fernando Juárez
  • (5) Carlos Villalba
  • (21) Ivan Gomez
  • (20) Gabriel Hachen
  • (37) Maximilian Urruti


  • (1) Joaquín Blázquez
  • (2) John Paul Pignani
  • (24) Oscar Salomón
  • (40) Gonzalo Valdivia
  • (10) Agustín Ocampo
  • (11) Luciano Ferreyra
  • (23) Brian Rivero
  • (43) Lisandro Montenegro
  • (7) Agustín Obando
  • (9) Mateo Pellegrino
  • (70) Alan Marinelli
  • (77) Ronaldo Martínez
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Coach: Sebastián Grazzini

Belgrano formation confirmed


  • (25) Nahuel Losada
  • (4) Juan Ignacio Barinaga
  • (40) Matías Moreno
  • (13) Nicolás Meriano
  • (22) Alex Ibacache
  • (5) Santiago Longo
  • (16) Esteban Rolón
  • (24) Francisco González Metilli
  • (12) Ulises Sánchez
  • (11) Bryan Reyna
  • (9) Lucas Passerini


  • (1) Ignacio Chicco
  • (2) Gonzalo Maffini
  • (6) Alejandro Rébola
  • (35) Francisco Facello
  • (10) Matías Marín
  • (14) Matías Palavecino
  • (15) Matías García
  • (26) Facundo Lencioni
  • (32) Ariel Rojas
  • (42) Jeremías Lucco
  • (17) Lautaro Pastran
  • (19) Pablo Chavarría

Coach: Guillermo Farré


El Calamar went looking for it and in the last minutes Ronaldo Martínez found the equalizing goal.

Platense vs. Belgrano: Ronaldo Martínez’s goal (1-1)


Belgrano is left with ten after the double yellow card of the match’s scorer.

Platense vs. Belgrano (0-1): Red to Passerini

The second half started

Platense falls at home 1-0 against Belgrano for the fifth round of the Professional League Cup.

End of the first half

Belgrano beats Platense 1-0 in Vicete López.


Passerini made it 1-0 for the Pirate in Vicente López.

Platense vs. Belgrano: Lucas Passerini’s goal (0-1)

37′ 1T: Platense had the first

Picco missed a very clear chance that ended up going wide.

Platense vs. Belgrano: Leonel Picco’s mistake

The game started

Platense and Belgrano already face each other at the Ciudad de Vicente López Stadium.

In which stadium will Platense vs. play? Belgrano

Platense vs. Belgrano will play the match at the Ciudad de Vicente López stadium, where Platense will play at home.

Platense time vs. Belgrano

Time: 7:00 p.m.

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