Home » Poland: “Russia, sanctions against coal are not enough, gas must be stopped”

Poland: “Russia, sanctions against coal are not enough, gas must be stopped”

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Poland: “Russia, sanctions against coal are not enough, gas must be stopped”

A new package of sanctions is being discussed in the EU, which ones does Poland deem most necessary?

“We expect sanctions on energy to be adopted as soon as possible, we want an embargo on oil, coal and gas. At the EU level, we expect the borders with Russia to close, all Russian banks to be excluded from the accelerated procedure, that European ports will be closed to Russian-flagged ships and that Russian citizens will be banned from obtaining a visa. except in the case of humanitarian visas’.

Some media report that sanctions on the import of coal or oil from Russia are on the way to the European level. Are they enough for you?

“No, I’m not. If we look at the images coming from Bucha, we realize that in the face of the genocide taking place in Ukraine there is a need for severe sanctions and the only valid ones are those against all Russian energy sources, because the revenues that come from this sector are about one third of Russia’s total income. Every day from Berlin 80 million euros flow to Moscow in the energy sector. This gives an idea of ​​the support that Russia receives to finance the war. We can’t afford it. “

Germany is being blamed for its dependence on Russian gas, but the German economy minister said the gas continues to pass through Poland, with related proceeds for transit rights. Are you ready to give it up?

«We are ready to become totally independent from Russian gas and we talked about this option even before the aggression. Now we can accelerate and become independent this year already. We have invested in a Baltic gas pipeline from Norway, and we expect 10 billion m3 to reach it by October. Then we have large storage facilities that allow us to cover the needs until autumn ».

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What do you want from Germany? In Berlin it is said that it is not easy to get out of an energy addiction overnight.

“According to our analyzes in the oil sector this is not true. Germany could become independent of oil quickly without destroying its economy. However, this decision must be made as soon as possible and can remain valid for the next 3-4 months. The important thing is that it is adopted quickly, because the effects on the Russian economy are visible from the moment of the decision ».

Jarosław Kaczyński said Poland wants to strengthen the presence of NATO soldiers and host nuclear weapons. Is this a position that Warsaw will share with its European partners?

«First we will talk about it with NATO allies and we also have bilateral contacts with the USA. Of course, NATO needs to be more present on the Eastern front because times have changed and the potential for deterrence needs to be strengthened. In this discussion, additional instruments that could strengthen the deterrent potential, such as joining the nuclear sharing system, should not be ruled out.

Poland has taken many refugees from Ukraine. Are you now in favor of a common policy for all migrants arriving in Europe?

“We took over 2.5 million Ukrainian refugees and 1.7 million remained in Poland. We help all refugees fleeing war but we must distinguish them from economic migrants. The migrants who arrived from the Middle East brought by Lukaschenko were “artificial” migrants, used as an instrument of pressure on the country. All those who flee the war and are directly threatened receive our help ».

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