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Pope Francis Urges Priests to Beware of Spiritual Secularization and Clericalism in Letter to Rome Diocese

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Pope Francis Urges Priests to Beware of Spiritual Secularization and Clericalism in Letter to Rome Diocese

Pope Francis Sends Letter to Priests, Urging Them to Beware of Spiritual Secularization and Clericalism

Pope Francis has recently written a heartfelt letter to all priests in the diocese of Rome, expressing his sympathy and support for them. In his letter, the Pope highlighted the importance of priests being servants rather than masters and cautioned against spiritual secularization and clericalism.

The letter, which was published on August 7 by the Vatican News Network, comes after Pope Francis reorganized his diocese earlier this year. Titled “In the Communion of the Church,” the Apostolic Charter brought about several adjustments in the diocesan office. The Pope revealed that this letter was the result of his prayers before the statue of the Madonna of Salvation of the Roman People, whom he entrusts with all the priests of the diocese of Rome.

The Pope began the letter by expressing one of his greatest fears – that priests have lost their love for their vocation and ministry. He acknowledged that the priesthood can bring both joy and toil, hope and disappointment. He thanked the priests for their unknown good deeds and the work they do, even if it goes unrecognized. According to the Pope, the measure of priesthood is not pastoral success but rather the dedication and commitment of the priest.

Pope Francis emphasized two significant issues that priests should be wary of – spiritual secularization and clericalism. He urged priests to remember that God calls them to fight against spiritual secularization. Quoting theologian Henri de Lubac, the Pope warned about reducing spirituality to a superficial way of life and acting in worldly ways while appearing devout. He identified vanity, narcissism, doctrinal rigidity, and liturgical aestheticism as forms of spiritual secularization.

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Clericalism, another concern of the Pope, refers to the exercise of authority by priests in a way that distances them from the people they serve. He cautioned against the danger of appearing superior, privileged, and separate from the holy people of God. Clericalism leads priests to focus solely on their own image and achievements rather than humbly serving the Church.

The Pope also highlighted that clericalism is not limited to priests alone but can also affect laypeople and pastoral workers. He noted that anyone who adopts an elitist attitude, creating possessiveness in their role, and showing arrogance towards others can be guilty of clericalism. The Pope suggested humility and respect for others as a way out of this harmful mindset.

The letter concludes with a message of encouragement from Pope Francis. He acknowledged the weaknesses and deficiencies present in the priesthood but urged priests not to be discouraged. The Pope called upon them to pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance and assistance in their personal lives and pastoral actions. He emphasized the importance of being passionate preachers of the Gospel and shepherds of the people, rather than officials of religious offices.

Pope Francis’ letter serves as a powerful reminder to all priests of their calling and the need for humility, service, and vigilance against spiritual secularization and clericalism.

For more information, please visit www.vaticannews.cn.

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