Home » Pope to Holy Church members: Always be an open place for vocations – Vatican News Vatican

Pope to Holy Church members: Always be an open place for vocations – Vatican News Vatican

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Pope to Holy Church members: Always be an open place for vocations – Vatican News Vatican

Pope Francis met with members of the Holy Church family at the Vatican and encouraged them to follow in the footsteps of their founders and continue to work to help people discern vocations.

(Vatican News Network)On the occasion of the celebration of the first anniversary of the canonization of its founder, Fr Giustino Maria Russolillo, Pope Francis received members of the Holy Church family in the Vatican on May 22. Founded in Naples, Italy in 1920, the mission of the order is “to discern and strengthen priestly and religious vocations, especially among the disadvantaged”. The congregation is currently spread across Italy, Brazil, the Philippines and other countries.

Facing the approximately 2,000 members of the Holy Church family gathered in the Paul VI Hall of the Vatican, the Pope, following the example of his patriarch, pointed out three paths: prayer, proclamation and mission.


The first way is prayer. Prayer “is at the root of all our activity, all apostolate” because through “contemplation and adoration” the Lord “changes us”, makes us “renewed, receptive and joyful”, reflecting his love .

In this way, we can serve our vocations because “the people we meet, especially young people, are attracted by our conduct and life choices”. “This joy, rooted in prayer, has inspired many vocations” and its importance “must not be overlooked”.


The “importance of preaching” cannot be underestimated. Father San Rusolillo once exhorted not to forget “daily preaching, constant seeking and vocation culture”, especially the duty of catechesis. All this is especially true in today’s cultural environment, Pope Francis stressed, as people gradually “do not feel the presence of God, faith is being shaken and young people in particular are unable to understand the meaning and direction of their lives”.

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Therefore, “there is a need to restore evangelization: to proclaim the Word, to spread the content of our faith in a simple and passionate way, to accompany young people in their discernment”. The vitality of the church’s apostolic work should be prioritized in encountering and listening, and be accompanied in the process of discernment.


Then, the Pope asked everyone present to “cultivate and renew” the spirit of mission, to “spread the joy of evangelism”, “talk to young people, and express concern for families”, so that all activities, especially those in the field of education, will spread the fragrance of the Gospel .

The Pope concluded by encouraging the Holy Church family to always be an “open place that welcomes people and takes care of vocations”; a place of prayer and discernment for those who seek; a place of comfort for those who are wounded. Despite the difficulties, don’t be discouraged.

Link URL: www.vaticannews.cn

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