Home » Rammstein drummer apologizes for Lindemann’s attitude

Rammstein drummer apologizes for Lindemann’s attitude

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Rammstein drummer apologizes for Lindemann’s attitude

There are already many media that echo the violent attitude and even abuse of power by the vocalist Till Lindemann at the parties after the concerts of the German industrial metal band. The one that has had the most repercussion has been that of Shelby Lynn, an Irish woman in her twenties, who claims to have been drugged after a concert in Lithuania. Supposedly, the young woman made a complaint to the police – something Rammstein denies – arguing that after refusing to have sexual relations with Lindemann, she had woken up full of bumps and bruises. Previously there were testimonies from at least two more girls who claimed to have been raped or violated by the singer.

Faced with this, Rammstein’s drummer, Christoph Schneider, has shared a statement on networks in which he apologizes to his fans for Lindemann’s attitude, although he argues that these are not illegal actions. At the same time, the Rammstein networks released another brief statement in which they point out that there are no investigations in this regard and that there are no complaints pending. But, according to the New York Times, the German Prosecutor’s Office would have started days ago “preliminary proceedings against Till Lindemann because of the accusations related to sexual crimes and distribution of narcotics.”

This is Schneider’s statement shared on networks and that you can see in its original version under the group’s video.

«I would like to share my personal emotions and thoughts with you. The accusations of the last few weeks have deeply shaken us as a band and me as a person. And of course also to you, the fans. I feel in shock at the things that have been shared on social media and in the press about our singer. This is an ebb and flow of emotions for us, the band members and the crew. No, I don’t think anything criminally relevant (such as the use of chemical submission drugs) occurred. No. I don’t think anything illegal happened. I have never seen anything like it, nor have I heard anything like it from our 100 person team. All I heard about Till’s parties is that they were adults having a good time together. And yet, things seem to have happened that, while legally right, I personally don’t think are right. Certain structures have grown beyond the limits and values ​​of the other members of the band. It’s also important to us that Till’s parties are not confused with our official after-concert parties. Till has distanced himself from us in recent years and created his own bubble. With his own people, his own friends, his own projects. That, of course, saddened me. I believe Till when he tells us that he always wanted, and still wants, to make his private guests have a good time. However, exactly how these guests had envisioned it to be seems to differ in some cases from his own ideas. The wishes and expectations of the women who have testified were probably not fulfilled. According to his own words, all of them felt uncomfortable, on the brink of a situation that they could no longer control. I feel sorry for her and I feel compassion. However, it’s important for me to emphasize something objective: all guests in the backstage area are free to leave (they may have to wait a moment for security to safely lead them to the exit). All bottles are sealed and in full view of the guests, freshly opened or opened by themselves. Water and soft drinks are available at all times, as well as security personnel and medical attention to whom you can go at any time. We want all of our guests to feel comfortable and safe with us! This is our standard. So I’m sorry to hear that some people didn’t feel that way. We have the best fans in the world and they all deserve to be treated with respect! I feel sorry for anyone who wasn’t treated kindly or felt unsafe backstage with us. Also in Shelby’s case, he deserved a great concert and a wonderful evening. But I don’t want all this public bickering about our band to fuel extremes: neither the beast of social media, which has yet to be tamed by our society, nor the paternalistic tendencies that deny women in their 20s the ability to make decisions for themselves. themselves about their sexuality, and I also do not, in any way, want to blame the victims, so that people can continue to talk about this if something happened to them. I wish for calm and sensible reflection and processing, also in our band. And all together, the six. We stay together. Yours, Christoph Schneider».

Let’s remember that Rammstein they will be acting this Friday June 23 at the Cívitas Metropolitano Stadium in Madridwith what is one of the most spectacular shows of current international rock.

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