Home » remember the loss of your first child and your relationship with Maria Lina

remember the loss of your first child and your relationship with Maria Lina

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remember the loss of your first child and your relationship with Maria Lina

“Let the little ones come to me, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Matthew 19:14”, wrote the comedian. “Son, I wrote this song in the hospital, I wanted you to hear it when you left, attesting to the greatest miracle. And you left, not for home, but for the best home, next to the best. I’m sorry people talk about you, so little, without even being able to defend himself. I really try to understand. Maybe it’s one of the reasons why he sweated blood in the Gethsemane prayer, it must be very difficult to love all of humanity until the last second, he loved so much that blood dripped from his body, from so much love for us. And I try not to hate anyone who wished my son harm, but I’m human, my heart feels like it’s going to disappear inside and swallow my chest,” he added on Instagram

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