Home » Remote kissing device from China | Magazine

Remote kissing device from China | Magazine

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Remote kissing device from China |  Magazine

The latest invention has hit the Chinese market – a device for kissing at a distance!

Izvor: Shutterstock/Twitter/screenshot/tongbingxue

We are aware that technologies advance at the speed of light day by day. So, just as the latest model of mobile phone went on sale, it will be even more modern and better in a few days…

New ways of expressing love, closeness, intimate relationships, well and kissing slowlythey take the stage. People have become estranged, and communication and love are slowly being lost.

One such new surprise arrives from China! Recently, the newest device that allows users to to kiss long distance and for only 288 yuan, which is about 40 dollars. It consists of thermal and silicone lips that enable couples, especially those separated by several thousand kilometers, to maintain a long-distance relationship and feel physical closeness.

According to the manufacturers, the device is equipped with pressure sensors, so it is able to imitate a real kiss by replicating the pressure, movement and temperature of the user’s lips. In addition to the movement of the lips during kissing, this device can also transmit the sound that the user emits.

To send a kiss, users need to download the mobile app and then connect their mobile phone to the device. After pairing with their partners in the app, couples can start a video call and send kisses to each other. Users can also “save their kisses” in the application for others to download and experience, reports RTS.

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On social media, it created a complete stir among Chinese users. People were equally shocked, but also interested in this device. And while some made jokes, others harshly criticized him:

“This is where the real experience of love ends”, “It’s creepy”, “This is sad”, “Kissing without language?”, were just some of the comments.


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