Home » Respawn is working on a The Mandalorian FPS

Respawn is working on a The Mandalorian FPS

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Respawn is working on a The Mandalorian FPS

The ever-knowledgeable journalist Tom Henderson posted on his site today Insider Gaming an interesting rumor: according to its sources, Respawn Entertainment (Apex Legends, Titanfall) is working on an FPS of The Mandalorian.

According to Henderson’s sources, the game will see us control a Mandalorian bounty hunter (it may therefore not be the Your Djarin of the TV series, nor Boba Fett) set in the time when the Galactic Empire is dominating the galaxy. His task, as a bounty hunter, will be to capture – alive or dead – the criminals on whom a bounty hangs.

It seems that the game will be based mainly on frenetic and stylish action: The Mandalorian’s jetpack will give him great mobility, allowing us to perform quick sprints, vertical jumps, powerful slides (similar to those in Apex Legends) and more. The game is described by journalist’s sources as “very fast-paced”, rewarding players who play using this style; for example, health will mostly regenerate based on consecutive kills. Obviously there will be a vast choice of weapons and gadgets, such as the wrist rockets and the grappling hook already seen in the TV series, as well as a visor to mark enemies and offer information on the environment.

Apparently it won’t be an open world game: the game will be set in different parts of the Star Wars universe, in missions with a mostly linear structure. And according to Henderson’s sources, we’re still a year or two away from seeing it, so it’s not an imminent release game.

We will inform you if further rumors about the game emerge: stay with us!

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