Home » retiree shoots wife and dog. Then he takes his own life

retiree shoots wife and dog. Then he takes his own life

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retiree shoots wife and dog.  Then he takes his own life

He shot his wife in bed and then took his own life by shooting himself in the chest. Murder suicide in Lumellogno, in the province of Novara. Victim is a 65-year-old woman killed by her 66-year-old husband. Both retired. Police investigations into the incident are underway. The weapon used is a carbine regularly held by the man. No tickets were found at the site or other clues that can help the investigation and discover the reasons for the tragic act. The man also allegedly killed the dog, a white poodle with whom he often strolled in the neighborhood.

Some neighbors told mobile squad officers that they heard shots coming from the apartment in the early hours of the morning. The investigations are coordinated by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Novara. When the police arrived, the door was locked from the inside and there were no signs of forced entry. The police forces entered the apartment on the third floor of via Bonfantini 2 around 5.30 pm and found the two bodies of the 66 and 65-year-old pensioners, now lifeless.

The couple’s daughter was notified by the police that he could not get in touch with them. The woman would have said that her parents were going through a difficult financial period and were distressed about it.

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