Home » Revealed! The Identity of the Bald Man Who Invited a Korean YouTuber to a Hotel Turns Out He Has a High Position in the Ministry of Transportation!

Revealed! The Identity of the Bald Man Who Invited a Korean YouTuber to a Hotel Turns Out He Has a High Position in the Ministry of Transportation!

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Revealed!  The Identity of the Bald Man Who Invited a Korean YouTuber to a Hotel Turns Out He Has a High Position in the Ministry of Transportation!

HOLY RADAR – Recently netizens were shocked by the revelation of the man who invited a South Korean YouTuber to a hotel.

Previously, a Korean YouTuber named Jiah was on holiday alone in the city of Manado, North Sulawesi.

He went into a restaurant close to his hotel to eat before leaving for Bunaken.

While enjoying the meal and reviewing the food in front of the camera, Jiah suddenly approached two men.

It is known that the two men came from Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi.

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The two men got to know each other and asked to join Jiah.

During their chat, a bald-headed man suddenly invited Jiah to play at his hotel.

A bald man was revealed who invited a South Korean YouTuber, Jiah, to the hotel.

In the conversation, the bald man admitted that his name was Albert.

However, based on netizen searches, the bald man’s real name is Asri Damuna.

Based on netizen searches, Asri apparently has a position at the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub).

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He has just been promoted and has served as Head of the Sangia Nibandera Kolaka Airport Organizing Unit Office, Southeast Sulawesi, since last February.

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