Home » Ridwan Kamil’s Wife Atalia’s Message to the Princess Who Decided to Take Off the Hijab

Ridwan Kamil’s Wife Atalia’s Message to the Princess Who Decided to Take Off the Hijab

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Ridwan Kamil’s Wife Atalia’s Message to the Princess Who Decided to Take Off the Hijab


Camillia Laetitia Azzahra has been a topic of conversation recently. The daughter of Ridwan Kamil and Atalia Praratya reaped the pros and cons after deciding to take off her hijab.

This news was conveyed directly by a woman who is familiarly called Zara. He made the latest upload on the Instagram social media page, Bunda.

In the upload, Zara conveyed her decision to remove the hijab. Zara admitted that this was a decision taken after discussing it with the family.



“Hi everyone. After a lot of consideration and a very, very long discussion with my family, I decided to take off my headscarf,” she wrote on her Instagram account @camilliazr.

Zara says that when she wears the veil again one day, the decision should come from her own search for confidence, not from the demands of others.

“Let me start this journey of discovery in my own way because for me, a good Muslim is one who carries out religious teachings from the heart. It’s not about appearance, but about a clean heart,” he said.

Due to this decision, many netizens expressed their disappointment with Zara. Atalia also opened her voice by uploading a portrait with her princess. Both of them are seen wearing mukenas when Zara kisses her mother’s hand.

In her upload, Atalia said that Zara is a very strong figure. He also promised that he would always pray for and love his daughter, regardless of the decision she made.

“God willingwhen mommy is not there, Allah will hug and protect you, will always guide and give you directions… Momma’s prayers are with every breath…” he wrote on his Instagram account @ataliapr.

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Atalia also asked netizens not to be too harsh on her daughter. However, he was grateful for all the attention given to Zara.

“Friends, thank you for all your attention to Zara… In her life which is still a process, please always pray for Zara…” he asked.

Not a few netizens commented on Atalia’s upload. They praised Atalia’s way of being wise about the princess’s decision even though it felt heavy.

“I take the point that the child is open to his parents and the parents don’t force him because the child really needs a process,” commented the account @rizawidya****

“It’s hard having a daughter, ma’am. Coincidentally, I have 2 young daughters who are also learning to wear the hijab. But I don’t force it. I want the intention from the heart of each of them who has a strong desire to wear the hijab,” said @houseofwi***** *

“Mrs. Cinta @ataliapr is always wise in responding to anyone’s opinion. Love you ma’am…” said @retnow****

Regarding Zara’s reason for removing the veil, she said she didn’t like being lied to by other people. Therefore, Zara does not want to lie to other people and will be as honest as possible.

Furthermore, the 19-year-old girl asked not to be linked by any party, including her parents.

“I am not my father, I am not my mother, and I am not my brother. But I am a combination of all of them, I apply all their teachings and I am me. My identity is my name, Camillia Laetitia Azzahra,” he said.

In the same upload, Zara asked netizens not to blame her parents. Read on the page after this.

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