Home » Simen Velle is looking for posts about equality and sex culture

Simen Velle is looking for posts about equality and sex culture

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Simen Velle is looking for posts about equality and sex culture

– Most of us guys don’t get anything at all, said the FpU leader.

Simen Velle is leader of the Progress Party’s Youth (FpU) Photo: Rodrigo Freitas

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Published: 25/02/2024 21:50 | Updated: 26/02/2024 10:33

The short version

  • FpU leader Simen Velle said today’s dating culture is a political problem.

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– We’ve got a “tinder-fixated” sex culture. A few men have access to all the girls, while other men get nothing at all, said Simen Velle in an opinion piece in TV 2 Saturday.

He thought it was becoming a political problem.

– All equality policy has been about uplifting women, and it has come at the expense of us men, Velle said in the post.

TV 2 shared the opinion in a Tiktok video. Before the comments section was closed, criticism poured in:

“No men have a RIGHT to access girls?”

“The FRP confirms its position as the incel party.”

“Agree that Tinder is a problem, but it’s not the women’s game’s fault.”

– Pushing lonely men in front of them

– It is not equality or the fault of the women’s struggle that men do not have sex. Loneliness is a big problem, both for the individual and for society. To say that lack of location is a political problem is wrong, says Gaute Børstad Skjervø.

He is deputy leader of Arbeidernes ungdomfylking (AUF).

“Skivebom”, he says of Velle’s statements.

– He pushes lonely men in front of him in a fight against feminism and equality. It is unwise to pit men and women against each other in that way when he has such a large audience, says Skjervø.

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On Saturday evening, Simen Velle apologized for the statements in a new video on Tiktok.

In the video, he emphasizes that women are not a form of commodity, but that he believes today’s dating culture contributes to lonely men.

Aftenposten has been in contact with Simen Velle. Read his answer at the bottom of the case.

Gaute Børstad Skjervø is deputy leader of Arbeidernes ungdomsfylking (AUF). Photo: Johannes Kiese

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Weird on the checking apps

How tough is it to be a man in the dating market? Siv Gamnes says that the options are often greater for women because there are probably more men on the checking apps. She is a sexologist at Oslo Psychological Treatment.

– This means that many men are not even considered and are already struggling to land the first date, she says.

– There is often never a second date, either. And many people don’t want to have sex on the first date.

But it’s not just about men not having sex. Many have a longing for a permanent partner, says the sexologist.

Many women also struggle to maneuver in today’s dating market, according to Gamnes.

– The total number of options and complicated rules mean that many people never get into position.

Simen Velle: The men are responsible

In the opinion piece, Simen Velle said that equality policy has come at the expense of men.

– Is it women’s fault that more men don’t get anything?

– Not at all. That is why in yesterday’s video I clarified what I really meant. I clearly said that this is the men’s own responsibility. They themselves have to take action to become a better version of themselves, says Velle to Aftenposten.

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– You called it a political problem that some men get most of the women. Do you understand that people react?

– If you only see the video without context, I understand that it is interpreted that way. It’s my fault it turned out this way.

Velle rejects that it is the women’s struggle’s fault that some men are lonely. But in the fight for equality, we have overlooked some other problems along the way, he believes.

– I do not believe that this is a challenge that politicians should solve. But as an opinion carrier for young people, I used the opportunity to highlight a perspective that I believe is important. I phrased myself clumsily and I fully understand that people react.

– Do you think it is a human right to get a bed?

– In no way. I said something I shouldn’t have said, and I’m sorry for that.

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