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singer makes post with Pabllo Vittar and thanks country

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singer makes post with Pabllo Vittar and thanks country

Since the beginning of her career, Madonna has stood out for her sexual freedom in her music and performances. And in Rio de Janeiro it was no different: the queen of pop starred in several spicy scenes with simulated oral sex alongside Anitta, in “Vogue”, and even masturbation with one of her dancers.

Find out more about the Queen of Pop’s show

Gay kiss. Defender of the LGBTQIA+ cause and considered one of the divas of this community, Madonna’s show has several moments of exchange of same-sex caresses between the members of her ballet — both men and women — including with the “Material Girl” herself. In the audience, the public also exercised their freedom to love and several gay kisses were seen.

Breasts on display. In one of the highlights of the show, to the sound of “Hung Up”, Madonna performs an erotic dance with her dancers with their breasts free. “Erotica”, in fact, is another highlight, with a true profusion of bodies united by pleasure and the freedom to be who they are, as the diva herself says in “Express Yourself”.

Special participations. In addition to Anitta in “Vogue”, Pabllo Vittar also took to the stage to perform “Music”, in tune with a samba orchestra. The queen of pop’s children also performed: Estere danced to “Vogue”, Mercy James played the piano and David Banda played alongside his mother.

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