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Single, almost by choice – Africa Mousso

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Single, almost by choice – Africa Mousso

This November 23, I cross the 35 candle mark. Time flies so quickly, I admit. Today, God has given me grace to be independent.

When I was little, I dreamed of growing up and being an independent woman. Yes, very early on, my father taught me that school would be my only path to success. We made a bet that I would have to devote myself exclusively to my studies, until I obtained my baccalaureate. Then, I will continue my studies abroad. “There,” he said, “you will be able to easily enjoy your youth.”

In first grade, life was going to separate us… This loss remains to this day the greatest pain of my life (I don’t have the strength to hold back these tears 😭). Then, my mother, to whom I owe the woman I am today, braved heaven and earth for me to continue my studies. I didn’t lack anything, I admit.

Mom gave me the gift of not forcing me into marriage. She knew that my priority was my studies. She left me free to choose to continue on my path. Today, time passes; in his eyes, I see questions to which I have no answers. And the famous question “When is the wedding?” » is on everyone’s lips…

In a conversation with an acquaintance over a drink.
Him: Muslims marry their children quickly. Why are you single at this age?
Me: I am the exception that proves the rule.

Life is made of choices. In my quest for knowledge and independence, I have given little room to love, I admit. Although I remain a great romantic at heart. For this 35th anniversary, I wish myself to meet and experience true love.

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After all these difficult choices and the direction I had to take to the detriment of love, I would like, for the days to come, to bet on love. I have fought so many battles alone; but, today, I would like someone to hold my hand again, to have a shoulder to continue the rest of the way.

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