Home » Sloba Radanović’s son Damjan looks like him Entertainment

Sloba Radanović’s son Damjan looks like him Entertainment

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Sloba Radanović’s son Damjan looks like him  Entertainment

Jelena Radanović, the wife of singer Sloba Radanović, revealed who their son looks like.

Source: ATA Images/Antonio Ahel

This is the singer’s first child, while Jelena has two sons from her first marriage. That they enjoy every moment they spend with their baby is also proven by the numerous photos they publish on their accounts, and it was Radanović’s wife who has now revealed everything. She is currently paying the most attention to Damjan, who recently came into the world, and today she published a photo of his lips and showed everyone how much the newbie looks like her husband.

“They say that a child is ‘half you, half the person you love’, Damjan is the whole person I love,” Jelena wrote in the description of the photo, which in a short time received over 4,000 likes.

Source: Instagram/jeja.radanovic

This is how Sloba celebrated the birth of his son:

And look at the photos with Jelena:

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