Home » Solemnity of the Ascension of Christ with the raising of the Savior and angel dance in Carinthian parishes

Solemnity of the Ascension of Christ with the raising of the Savior and angel dance in Carinthian parishes

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Solemnity of the Ascension of Christ with the raising of the Savior and angel dance in Carinthian parishes

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Catholic Church in Carinthia
Internet editorial team of the Diocese of Gurk
Tarviser Straße 30, 9020 Klagenfurt
Tel.: 0463/5877
E-Mail: [email protected]

Purpose of the website:
www.kath-kirche-kaernten.at is the official internet portal of the Catholic Church of Carinthia. This information and communication organ reports daily on news from the parishes and organizational units of the Diocese of Gurk. The website provides information, encourages discussion, offers concrete assistance for living a life of faith and invites communication.

Responsible for the content:
Chancellor Official Msgr. Dr. Jakob Ibounig (Editor)
Dr. Karl-Heinz Kronawetter (editor-in-chief)

The respective parish or institution is responsible for the content of parish homepages and homepages of church institutions on the server of the Catholic Church of Carinthia.

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ilab crossmedia – Klagenfurt

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© Catholic Church of Carinthia
Internet editorial team of the Diocese of Gurk

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General information:
For reasons of better readability, the male form is used for gender-specific terms in the texts. This form is explicitly understood to be gender-neutral; women are included where appropriate.

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