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Technical review price increase | Info

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Technical review price increase |  Info

From this date, there will be changes to the technical inspection.

Source: MONDO/Marko Tanasković

From July 5, when the new regulation enters into force, many drivers will find themselves in trouble, because their vehicles will not pass technical inspection. It is about the amendment of the rulebook on technical inspection and the rulebook on the division of motor vehicles and trailers, and the specific problems relate to the ovality of brakes, connections for pneumatic brake systems and exhaust gas systems, writes Blic.

“Users of motor vehicles should not be so afraid. There will be situations with more rigorous measures and that a certificate of examination will be insisted upon, but a large percentage of drivers should not fear. We believe that technically it will be more liberal,” says Darko Nikolić from the Association of Technical Inspections for Kurir TV.

Special attention will be paid to imported vehicles, adds the interlocutor. “There were a lot of problems before, but for those vehicles there will be a somewhat simpler practice during technical inspections, as well as for owners of old-timers. I think it’s about excessive fear, but it is only about additional documentation, and some costs will be reduced. If you install a filter with a higher flow rate, anything that’s not factory-specified, yes, it’s going to be more expensive,” added Nikolić.

One of the novelties is the mandatory presence of certified controllers during the technical inspection. “This is a problem that awaits us, because in addition to having to comply with all the standards of the technical inspection, it is imposed on us that we must have a certified controller at a time when there is a problem with such a workforce, and maybe someone will be able to blackmail us,” Nikolić points out.

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