Home » The 26th batch of Chinese peacekeeping engineering units to Congo (Kinshasa) passed the UN combat effectiveness verification with high standards-Military-中工网

The 26th batch of Chinese peacekeeping engineering units to Congo (Kinshasa) passed the UN combat effectiveness verification with high standards-Military-中工网

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The 26th batch of Chinese peacekeeping engineering units to Congo (Kinshasa) passed the UN combat effectiveness verification with high standards-Military-中工网

Original title: China’s 26th batch of peacekeeping engineering units to Congo (Kinshasa) passed the UN combat effectiveness verification with high standards

On December 21, local time, the 26th batch of Chinese peacekeeping engineering units to Congo (Kinshasa) passed the three-day MONUSCO combat effectiveness inspection with high standards. and standard operating procedures are unanimously affirmed by the inspectors.

The United Nations combat effectiveness verification is a comprehensive inspection and evaluation of peacekeeping forces in terms of military training, daily management, and logistics support in accordance with the relevant requirements of the United Nations “Memorandum of Understanding”, mainly including 8 categories such as equipment and equipment, special situation disposal, and environmental protection. 49 items, the purpose is to comprehensively test the ability of peacekeeping troops to complete various tasks.

It is reported that since the 26th batch of Chinese peacekeeping engineering units to Congo (Kinshasa) were all deployed to the mission area in early September, the officers and soldiers have mainly completed the construction of main roads in eastern Congo (Kinshasa), the relocation of MONUC civilian departments, and the MONUC ammunition. Library construction and other engineering tasks.

(Headquarters reporter Bai Jie correspondent Wang Jinwei Dang Tianyu Zhou Jiaxiang)

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