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The couple met at a transplant | Entertainment

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The couple met at a transplant |  Entertainment

The disease brought the two together!

Source: Instagram/screenshot/taylorkobelja

Taylor Givens and Kolina Kobelja were united by a common disease – heart problems. Taylor had an emergency medical intervention in her student days, while Kolin has a congenital heart defect. However, they proved that love is stronger than anything! Their hearts were transplanted on the same day in the same hospital. It is Givens’ first transplant, and Kobelj’s second. They ended up in the same recovery room, next to each other.

“In the beginning, there weren’t really any romantic sparks because we were both ‘miserable,'” admits Givens, revealing that the sparks did not appear until five years later. On the fifth anniversary of the transplant, Givens and Kobelja unexpectedly saw each other again in the hospital. They went to their regular control and visiting his doctors – rescuers. Immediately after that meeting, Kobelja contacted Givens to invite her to dinner. They discovered a strong connection, and the additional thing that connected them more deeply was what they both went through.

“It was sweet because we had to take the same medication at the same time,” says Givens, adding that it’s a wonderful feeling when you date someone who you don’t have to explain anything to and who understands everything.

“Having him by my side, I don’t fear as much, even things like my own mortality,” Givens concludes.


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